Pattern Search

Patterns search involves looking for specific patterns or sequences within a dataset or system. It can be used to identify recurring trends, anomalies, or correlations in data. By analyzing patterns, developers can gain insights and make informed decisions.

  • Pattern search can be resource-intensive and time-consuming, especially for large datasets.

  • Due to memory and processing constraints, pattern search is disabled for multi-node workspaces.

To get started with Explore Graph follow the steps below:
  1. Navigate to the Explore Graph tab in the left navigation.

    select exploregraph
  2. You will then see the Explore window.

    patternserach exploregraph
  3. Next, chose the workspace you want to use from the dropdown menu.

    patternsearch selectaworksapce
  4. Then, choose which graph data you want to visualize patterns in.

    patternsearch selectagraph
  5. Once, you have the workspace and graph selected you can choose SHOW SCHEMA to visualized the schema created when you loaded your data.

    patternsearch selectshowschema
  6. Now, select the patternserach playbutton or hit the ENTER on your keyboard to run the visualizer.

    patternsearch showschema
You can also create your own searches.In this example, we will visualize a node attribute of a small sample dataset.
  1. First we will select or nodes data.

  2. Next, we will select Add filter

  3. You should see a list of column entries from the data that was laoded in this workspace database. Select the one you want to search and visualize.

    patternsearch id
  4. Chose the operator and type in a number into the box on the right side of the equation.

    patternsearch operator
  5. Now, select the patternserach playbutton or hit the ENTER on your keyboard to run the visualizer and a result from your graph should appear.

    If nothing appears the data does not exist in your graph.

  6. Continue to experiment with more filters and searches to visualize your data and gain unique insights

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