Welcome to TigerGraph® DB

The TigerGraph® database runs on standard, commodity-grade Linux servers and is designed in C++ to fit into your existing environment with minimum fuss.

To view the documentation of a particular TigerGraph version, please see Legacy Version Documentation.

Get to Know Your TigerGraph DB

getstarted Get Started

Step-by-step guides to help you get up and running.

System Requirements | Get Started | The GSQL Shell

installation Installation

Learn what you need to install TigerGraph.

Bare Metal | On Docker | On Cloud Marketplace

designdatbase Create Database

Learn how to design a database, create loading jobs and write queries.

Database Definition | Multi-graph | GSQL Language Reference

dataloading Load Data

Learn how to load and export data into a TigerGraph system.

Data Loading | Database Import/Export All | Import/Export Individual Graphs

Advanced Topics

useraccess Operations Mgmt

Understand gadmin the tool for managing TigerGraph servers and how to setup system backups.

System Management | Backup and Restore

security User Access Mgmt

Learn about TigerGraph’s role-based access control (RBAC) model and other security access features.

User Access Management | Security

systemconig System Config

Learn how to manage clusters and setup high availability (HA).

Overview | Cross-Region Replication | High Availability

ArchtectureOverview Architecture

Go deeper and learn what’s behind the platform.

Internal Architecture | Transaction and ACID | Continuous Availability Overview

ArchtectureOverview Kubernetes

Learn how deploy TigerGraph single servers and clusters using Kubernetes.

Kubernetes | Kubernetes Operator

ArchtectureOverview Additional Resources

Explore additional resources to find our troubleshooting guide and other references.

Best Practices | Troubleshooting Guide | Glossary | List of Ports | Configuration Parameters

Release Notes

To keep up-to-date on key new features of the most recent LTS versions of TigerGraph, please see: