How to use TigerGraph CoPilot On Cloud

Using TigerGraph CoPilot on the cloud is intuitive and straightforward with the TigerGraph Cloud UI.

TigerGraph Cloud UI

Once you have enabled CoPilot for your workspace and loaded your graph data:
  1. Click Explore Graph in the navigation bar on the left.

    cloud explore graph
  2. That will take you to the Graph Explorer and you can now “talk” to your graph on the CoPilot tab.

    Please make sure the workspace and graph name on the top right corner are the ones you would like to work on.

    cloud copilot chat ui
  3. For each response, you can get more information behind the answers. If you click on the information icon below the response, you will see explanations on how CoPilot arrives at the answers.

    cloud copilot explain

  4. If the response contains vertices or edges from the graph, you can click on the little graph icon and it will take you to the visualization of those data as a graph.

    cloud copilot request graph viz
  5. Continue to experiment by asking TigerGraph CoPilot more about your graph.

Next Steps

Next, go to Testing TigerGraph CoPilot to learn how to test TigerGraph CoPilot.

Return to TigerGraph CoPilot for a different topic.