Get Started

Launch TigerGraph Insights from the nine-dot TigerGraph Suite button nine dot button in the GUI of any cloud or local TigerGraph instance.


From there, you can create Applications that display Widgets for users to interact with.

Supported Browsers

As of November 2022, Insights is certified on the following browsers:

Chrome Safari Firefox Edge

Version 107.0.5304.107 (Official Build) (arm64)

Version 15.4 (17613.

Version 106.0.3

Version 107.0.1418.42 (Official build) (arm64)

Not all features are guaranteed to work on other browsers. Please make sure to enable JavaScript and cookies in your browser settings.


  • Concurrent editing of the same widget is not supported.

  • Accumulators are not currently supported.

  • Widget in iframe sharing mode requires manual login.