
TigerGraph Insights is a no-code visual graph analyzer that makes building data analytics dashboards intuitive.

Insights offers a way to create responsive and interactive applications for displaying graph information to a general audience. Additionally, non-technical users can quickly and easily obtain meaningful visual insights that would remain hidden without a deep graph-enabled analysis of their connected data.

Get to Know Insights

getstarted Get Started

A Get Started guide to help you get up and running.

apps Applications

Applications are the backbone of TigerGraph Insights that display information from a TigerGraph instance.

widgets Widgets

Widgets populate pages to provide easy-to-use graph visualizations for your data

actions Actions

Actions allow users to create customized links to external sites, to other pages in the application, or to refresh the widget display with different parameters.

styling Conditional Styling

Several widgets support Conditional Styling similar to conditional formatting in Excel.

documenation Release Notes

See Release Notes for the most up-to-date news on TigerGraph Insights.