Object-Oriented Schema

The Object-Oriented Schema functionality allows users to manipulate schema elements in the database in an object-oriented approach in Python.

To add an AccountHolder vertex and a HOLDS_ACCOUNT edge to the Ethereum dataset, simply:

from pyTigerGraph import TigerGraphConnection
from pyTigerGraph.schema import Graph, Vertex, Edge

from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Union
from dataclasses import dataclass, fields

conn = TigerGraphConnection(host="http://YOUR_HOSTNAME_HERE", graphname="Ethereum")

g = Graph(conn)

class AccountHolder(Vertex):
    name: str
    address: str
    accounts: List[str]
    dob: datetime
    some_map: Dict[str, int]
    some_double: "DOUBLE"
    primary_id: str = "name"  # always of type string, corresponds to the desired primary ID attribute.
    primary_id_as_attribute: bool = True

class HOLDS_ACCOUNT(Edge):
    opened_on: datetime
    from_vertex: Union[AccountHolder, g.vertex_types["Account"]]
    to_vertex: g.vertex_types["Account"]
    is_directed: bool = True
    reverse_edge: str = "ACCOUNT_HELD_BY"
    discriminator: str = "opened_on"




Users can define an entire graph schema in the approach below. Using the Cora dataset example, the schema would look something like this:

from pyTigerGraph import TigerGraphConnection
from pyTigerGraph.schema import Graph, Vertex, Edge

conn = TigerGraphConnection("http://YOUR_HOSTNAME_HERE")

g = Graph()

class Paper(Vertex):
    id: int
    y: int
    x: List[int]
    primary_id: str = "id"
    primary_id_as_attribute: bool = True

class CITES(Edge):
    from_vertex: Paper
    to_vertex: Paper
    is_directed: bool = True
    reverse_edge: str = "R_CITES"




Abstract parent class for other types of vertices to be inherited from. Contains class methods to edit the attributes associated with the vertex type.

When defining new vertex types, make sure to include the primary_id and primary_id_as_attribute class attributes, as these are necessary to define the vertex in TigerGraph.

For example, to define an AccountHolder vertex type, use:

class AccountHolder(Vertex):
    name: str
    address: str
    accounts: List[str]
    dob: datetime
    some_map: Dict[str, int]
    some_double: "DOUBLE"
    primary_id: str = "name"
    primary_id_as_attribute: bool = True


add_attribute(attribute_name: str, attribute_type, default_value = None)

Function to add an attribute to the given vertex type.


  • attribute_name (str): The name of the attribute to add

  • attribute_type (Python type): The Python type of the attribute to add. For types that are not supported in Python but are in GSQL, wrap them in quotes; e.g. "DOUBLE"

  • default_value (type of attribute, default None): The desired default value of the attribute. Defaults to None.



Function to remove an attribute from the given vertex type.


  • attribute_name (str): The name of the attribute to remove from the vertex.



Class attribute to view the attributes and types of the vertex.


Abstract parent class for other types of edges to be inherited from. Contains class methods to edit the attributes associated with the edge type.

When defining new vertex types, make sure to include the required from_vertex, to_vertex, reverse_edge, is_directed attributes and optionally the discriminator attribute, as these are necessary to define the vertex in TigerGraph.

For example, to define an HOLDS_ACCOUNT edge type, use:

class HOLDS_ACCOUNT(Edge):
    opened_on: datetime
    from_vertex: Union[AccountHolder, g.vertex_types["Account"]]
    to_vertex: g.vertex_types["Account"]
    is_directed: bool = True
    reverse_edge: str = "ACCOUNT_HELD_BY"
    discriminator: str = "opened_on"


add_attribute(attribute_name, attribute_type, default_value = None)

Function to add an attribute to the given edge type.


  • attribute_name (str): The name of the attribute to add.

  • attribute_type (Python type): The Python type of the attribute to add. For types that are not supported in Python but are in GSQL, wrap them in quotes; e.g. "DOUBLE"

  • default_value (type of attribute, default None): The desired default value of the attribute. Defaults to None.



Function to remove an attribute from the given edge type.


  • attribute_name (str): The name of the attribute to remove from the edge.



Class attribute to view the attributes and types of the vertex.


The graph object can be used in conjunction with a TigerGraphConnection to retrieve the schema of the connected graph. Serves as the way to collect the definitions of Vertex and Edge types.

To instantiate the graph object with a connection to an existing graph, use:

from pyTigerGraph.schema import Graph

g = Graph(conn)


init(conn: TigerGraphConnection = None)

Graph class for schema representation.


  • conn (TigerGraphConnection, optional): Connection to a TigerGraph database. Defaults to None.


add_vertex_type(vertex: Vertex, outdegree_stats = True)

Add a vertex type to the list of changes to commit to the graph.


  • vertex (Vertex): The vertex type definition to add to the addition cache.

  • outdegree_stats (bool, optional): Whether or not to include "WITH OUTEGREE_STATS=TRUE" in the schema definition. Used for caching outdegree, defaults to True.


add_edge_type(edge: Edge)

Add an edge type to the list of changes to commit to the graph.


  • edge (Edge): The edge type definition to add to the addition cache.


remove_vertex_type(vertex: Vertex)

Add a vertex type to the list of changes to remove from the graph.


  • vertex (Vertex): The vertex type definition to add to the removal cache.


remove_edge_type(edge: Edge)

Add an edge type to the list of changes to remove from the graph.


  • edge (Edge): The edge type definition to add to the removal cache.


commit_changes(conn: TigerGraphConnection = None)

Commit schema changes to the graph.


  • conn (TigerGraphConnection, optional): Connection to the database to edit the schema of. Not required if the Graph was instantiated with a connection object.



Vertex types property.



Edge types property.