
The Featurizer class provides methods for installing and running Graph Data Science Algorithms onto a TigerGraph server.

To use the Featurizer, you must first create a connection to a TigerGraph server using the TigerGraphConnection class.

For example, to run PageRank, you would use the following code:

import pyTigerGraph as tg

conn = tg.TigerGraphConnection(host="HOSTNAME_HERE", username="USERNAME_HERE", password="PASSWORD_HERE", graphname="GRAPHNAME_HERE")


feat = conn.gds.featurizer()

res = feat.runAlgorithm("tg_pagerank", params={"v_type": "Paper", "e_type": "CITES"})


Object to keep track of featurizer algorithms being ran in asynchronous mode. (runAsync=True).


wait(refresh: float = 1)

Function call to block all execution if called until algorithm result is returned.


  • refresh (float): How often to check for results. Defaults to 1 time every second.


Algorithm results when they become available.



Function to check if the algorithm has completed execution.


True if algorithm has completed, False if the algorithm is still running.


TigerGraphException if the algorithm was aborted or timed out.



Property to get the results of an algorithm’s execution. If the results are available, returns them. If the results are not available yet, returns the string 'Algorithm Results not Available Yet'


The Featurizer pulls the most up-to-date version of the algorithm available in our public GitHub repository that is compatible with your database version. Note: In environments not connected to the public internet, you can download the repository manually and use the featurizer like this:

import pyTigerGraph as tg
from pyTigerGraph.gds.featurizer import Featurizer

conn = tg.TigerGraphConnection(host="HOSTNAME_HERE", username="USERNAME_HERE", password="PASSWORD_HERE", graphname="GRAPHNAME_HERE")
feat = Featurizer(conn, repo="PATH/TO/MANUALLY_DOWNLOADED_REPOSITORY")

res = feat.runAlgorithm("tg_pagerank", params={"v_type": "Paper", "e_type": "CITES"})



listAlgorithms(category: str = None) → None

Print the list of available algorithms in GDS.


  • category (str): the category of algorithms to print, if it is None then a summary will be printed.


installAlgorithm(query_name: str, query_path: str = None, global_change: bool = False, distributed_query: bool = False) → str

Checks if the query is already installed. If the query is not installed, it installs the query and changes the schema if an attribute needs to be added.


  • query_name (str): The name of query to be installed.

  • query_path (str, optional): If using a custom query, the path to the .gsql file that contains the query. Note: you must have the query_name parameter match the name of the query in the file.

  • global_change (bool, optional): False by default. Set to true if you want to run GLOBAL SCHEMA_CHANGE JOB. For algorithms that are not schema free we need to specify this argument.
    See this for more details.

  • distributed_query (bool, optional): False by default.


    String of query name installed.


getParams(query_name: str, printout: bool = True) → dict

Get paramters for an algorithm.


  • query_name (str): Name of the algorithm.

  • printout (bool, optional): Whether to print out the parameters. Defaults to True.


Parameter dict the algorithm takes as input.


runAlgorithm(query_name: str, params: dict = None, runAsync: bool = False, threadLimit: int = None, memoryLimit: int = None, feat_name: str = None, feat_type: str = None, custom_query: bool = False, schema_name: list = None, global_schema: bool = False, timeout: int = 2147480, sizeLimit: int = None, templateQuery: bool = False, distributed_query: bool = False) → Any

Runs a TigerGraph Graph Data Science Algorithm. If a built-in algorithm is not installed, it will automatically install before execution. Custom algorithms will have to be installed using the installAlgorithm() method. If the query accepts input parameters and the parameters have not been provided, calling this function runs the query with the default values for the parameters. If the there isn’t a default value in the query definition and no parameters are provided, the function raises a ValueError.


  • query_name (str): The name of the query to be executed.

  • params (dict): Query parameters. A dictionary that corresponds to the algorithm parameters. If specifying vertices as sources or destinations, must use the following form:

    {"id": "vertex_id", "type": "vertex_type"}, such as params = {"source": {"id": "Bob", "type": "Person"}}

  • runAsync (bool, optional): If True, runs the algorithm in asynchronous mode and returns a AsyncFeaturizerResult object. Defaults to False.

  • threadLimit: Specify a limit of the number of threads the query is allowed to use on each node of the TigerGraph cluster. See Thread limit

  • memoryLimit: Specify a limit to the amount of memory consumed by the query (in MB). If the limit is exceeded, the query will abort automatically. Supported in database versions >= 3.8. See Memory limit

  • feat_name (str, optional): An attribute name that needs to be added to the vertex/edge. If the result attribute parameter is specified in the parameters, that will be used.

  • feat_type (str, optional): Type of attribute that needs to be added to the vertex/edge. Only needed if custom_query is set to True.

  • custom_query (bool, optional): If the query is a custom query. Defaults to False.

  • schema_name (list, optional): List of Vertices/Edges that the attr_name need to added to them. If the algorithm contains the parameters of v_type and e_type or v_type_set and e_type_set, these will be used automatically.

  • global_schema (bool, optional): False by default. Set to true if you want to run GLOBAL SCHEMA_CHANGE JOB.
    See this for more details.

  • timeout (int, optional): Maximum duration for successful query execution (in milliseconds).

  • sizeLimit (int, optional): Maximum size of response (in bytes).

  • templateQuery (bool, optional): Whether to call packaged template query.
    See this for more details. for more details. Note that currently not every algorithm supports template query. More will be added in the future. Default: False.

  • distributed_query (bool, optional): Whether to run the query in distributed mode. Defaults to False.


The output of the query, a list of output elements (vertex sets, edge sets, variables, accumulators, etc.)