CDC State Monitoring

State Monitoring

Check the state of CDC Service with this command:
grun_p gpe "cat $(gadmin config get System.DataRoot)/gstore/0/part/cdc.yaml"

The cdc state file should only exist on GPE Replica 1 node of each partition:

  • GPE_1#1

  • GPE_2#1

The response will look like this:
------------------ Output example for cdc.yaml on 1x2 cluster -------------------
### ---- (m1)_10.128.0.77 ---0--
tid: 3752092
safe_persistent_tid: 3752091
split_index: 0
index: 0
### ---- (m2)_10.128.0.84 ---1--
cat: /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/data/gstore/0/part/cdc.yaml: No such file or directory
Table 1. For each CDC state field, see the table below:
Field Meaning


The tid is the tid of the delta batch (largest tid) that was most recently written to external kafka. For a transaction, it’s the tid of the last delta batch for the transaction (must be COMMIT), which can be used to represent the transaction id.


The safe_persistent_tid is the tid of the earliest delta batch among all open transactions that are not committed/rolled-back in CDC. If there’s no open transactions, this is the same as tid.

All delta batches with tid < safe_persistent_tid > must have been written to external kafka.


For non-transaction, it’s always 0. For transactions, the split_index is the index of the delta batch that was most recently written to external kafka among all delta batches for the same transaction.


The index is an index of delta messages in a delta batch that was most recently written to external kafka.

State of DIM Service

Check the state of DIM(Deleted Id Map) service with this command:
grun_p gpe "cat $(gadmin config get System.DataRoot)/gstore/0/part/deleted_idmap_state.yaml"
Check disk usage of DIM(Deleted Id Map) service with this command:
grun_p gpe "du -sh $(gadmin config get System.DataRoot)/gstore/0/part/deletedID_store"

The dim state file exists on all GPE nodes, unlike the cdc state file.

The response will look like this:
------------ Output example for deleted_idmap_state.yaml on 1x2 cluster ------------
### ---- (m1)_10.128.0.77 ---0--
posted_delta_curr_tid: 3752092
posted_delta_next_split_index: 1
stored_deletedvid_curr_tid: 2275848
purged_deletedvid_curr_tid: 3752091
### ---- (m2)_10.128.0.84 ---0--
posted_delta_curr_tid: 3752092
posted_delta_next_split_index: 1
stored_deletedvid_curr_tid: 2275848
purged_deletedvid_curr_tid: 3752091

The purging task runs every 30 minutes by default.

Table 2. For each DIM state field, see the table below:
Field Meaning


When reading a delta message with tid=tid_origin that contains a vertex deletion message, TigerGraph will collect uid for deleted vertex, then build a special vid-uid delta, and post back to deltaQ. The posted_delta_curr_tid is the most recently posted delta’s tid_origin.


The posted_delta_next_split_index is the most recently posted delta’s split_index + 1.

All vertex-deletion deltas with (tid, split_index) smaller than (posted_delta_curr_tid, posted_delta_next_split_index) will be handled by main delta handling process to generate an extra deleted vid delta into deltaQ.


When processing the special vid-uid delta for a deleted vertex, TigerGraph saves the vid-uid entry in the local RocksDB. The variable stored_deletedvid_curr_tid represents the tid_origin of the most recently stored delta, indicating it has been flushed to disk, not solely in memory.

All deleted vid deltas with an origin tid smaller than this value (excluding it) have already been processed and stored in RocksDB.

Note: The idmap is cached in memory, and if the map size is small (configured in GPE.BasicConfig.Env as DIMCacheLimitInMB, set at 30MB), it is not flushed to disk. Consequently, this tid may lag behind in such cases.


Periodically, TigerGraph purges the entries in RocksDB based on the safe_persistent_tid. This is because the CDC already used some of the vid-uid entries and wrote to external Kafka, hence we don’t need these entries anymore.


Purges deleted vid delta’s tid_origin. The tid_orgin represents the tid of origin delta that contains the vertex deletion message. All deleted vid-uid entries with tid_orgin smaller than this already have been purged from RocksDB.

Configure this with GPE.BasicConfig.Env: DIMPurgeIntervalInMin), and update this tid if purging is actually performed.

CDC Reset

Please run the following steps to reset cdc.

  1. Stop related services

    gadmin stop gpe -y

    After a CDC reset, the previous data updates before stop gpe will be ignored by TigerGraph CDC. Only new data updates will be produced to external kafka.

  2. Clear state and data files for cdc

    grun_p gpe "rm $(gadmin config get System.DataRoot)/files/cdc#*"
    grun_p gpe "rm $(gadmin config get System.DataRoot)/gstore/0/part/cdc.yaml"
    grun_p gpe "rm $(gadmin config get System.DataRoot)/gstore/0/part/deleted_idmap_state.yaml"
    grun_p gpe "rm -rf $(gadmin config get System.DataRoot)/gstore/0/part/deletedID_store"
  3. Start services

    gadmin start all