Export And Import Solution

Export And Import Solution

Solutions created from "Export Current Solution" from a version released prior to v3.1 cannot be imported into v3.1 due to data storage changes made in v3.1 to support HA for the application server. Contact support@tigergraph.com for a detailed workaround if you want to import a solution tarball prior to v3.1.


Click on the "Export Current Solution" link to export the whole solution and download it as a tarball, including the schema, the loading jobs, and the queries. It also includes metadata that describes the layout of your schema design as well as your user icons to preserve the design of your GraphStudio solution.

The exported tarball file includes two folders: graph/ and gui/. The graph/ folder includes an ExportedGraph.zip file that contains the following files:

  • DBImportExport_<graphName>.gsql command file for each graph called <graphName> in a MultiGraph system. The command file creates the exported graph, including its local vertex, edge, and tuple types, along with its loading jobs, data source file objects as well as queries.

  • global.gsql - DDL job to create all global vertex and edge types, and data sources.

  • tuple.gsql - DDL job to create all User Defined Tuples.

Note that this ExportedGraph.zip file is identical to what is produced by running the database export command with the template option.

The gui/ folder includes a folder that contains all user icons and a json file that describes the layout of the schema in GraphStudio.


  1. The graph data and data files will not be exported.

  2. If a query has been modified since it was last installed, GraphStudio will export the modified draft instead of the version that has been installed in the TigerGraph engine.

  3. Starting with TigerGraph 3.0, GSQL queries can be run in Interpreted Mode in GraphStudio without installation. These queries need to be installed to be exported.


Click on the "Import an Existing Solution" to upload a previously exported tarball of a solution.

In order to optimize the time required for Import, the imported queries will not be installed but saved as drafts. You need to install them manually.

Importing a solution will overwrite the current solution. The existing schema, loading jobs, queries as well as data files will be erased before the new solution is imported.

Last updated