Graph Exploration Panel

The Graph Exploration panel displays the result of your Graph Exploration actions. After you have a subgraph displayed in the Graph Exploration Panel, you can use the buttons in the Explorer View Menu or the options in the bottom right corner to customize the display. Additionally, you can make modifications to the graph database itself in edit mode.

Customize visualization

The Graph Exploration panel provides you with multiple ways of customizing the visualization of your graph exploration results.

Zoom in/out

Refresh result

The graph exploration result only reflects a snapshot of the graph data. If the data is changed due to CRUD operations (maybe in another session), the snapshot is outdated.

Change layout

Locate vertex

The vertices with the matching ID or attributes will be selected:

Show selected vertices and edges

Hide vertices and edges

Undo and redo

Database changes (adding or deleting vertices/edges, editing attributes) cannot be undone with the Undo feature. Also, Undo/Redo do not include layout and display changes (e.g., positioning of objects and display of attributes).

Save and open graph exploration result

Save screenshot

Change settings

In the example below, the ID and gender for person vertices are shown. The ID and the foundYear attributes for company vertices are shown.

You can also configure the text font size of vertex and edge labels and properties.

Other than the above, you can also configure vertex and edge size and color to augment the visualization in settings. See Augment Visualization Result.

Edit graph

Besides customizing the view of your graph exploration results, you can also enable the edit mode and and make edits to the graph itself by adding or removing vertices and edges, as well as changing their attributes.

In order to perform any of the actions in this section, you need to enable edit mode by clicking on the toggle next to Edit mode. Once you are in the edit mode, the four buttons that allow you to edit the graph will appear on the right.

Add new vertex

If you provide a vertex ID that is already used, GraphStudio will ask you whether you want to overwrite the existing vertex. If you say no, then it will not add or update anything.

Add new edge

If you select an edge type that already exists between the two vertices, GraphStudio will ask if you want to overwrite the existing edge. If you say no, nothing will be added or updated. The current TigerGraph system does not support having multiple edges of the same type between two specific vertices.

Edit attributes

When you finish editing, click the Update button to apply the change.

Delete vertices and edges

"Delete" permanently removes data from the graph database. Deleted vertices and edges cannot be restored with Undo. To restore them, you must manually add them back.

If you delete a vertex, all of its outgoing and incoming edges will also be deleted

Last updated