
The log page contains the search panel, the file directory panel, and the content panel. The content panel either displays log content or search results.

Note: Error message might show if an ADBLOCK is running.

Open a log file from the file directory

In the file directory panel, all machines will be listed. Clicking the machine id, all components of the machine will be listed. When you expand the component, all log files and folders will be listed.

Note that it displays up to 32 MB of the log file before the latest line of the chosen log file. If users want to read the entire log file, users need to download the file.

Search logs

If user inputs do not meet the requirements, an error message will show up after clicking the search button:

The title of each search result contains the machine id, the file path and the number of lines of content which match the pattern. The detailed log line content will also be shown:

Clicking on one single search result will show the log content in display panel. The matching log line content will be highlighted.

Last updated