
Nginx Page

You can configure Nginx settings on this page. The following settings can be configured: SSL configuration, allowed CIDR list (whitelist IP), and response header.

When you don’t have any changes, the DISCARD and APPLY buttons are disabled.

You can clear your changes by clicking the DISCARD button at the bottom right corner of the page.

Allowed CIDR list are separated by ,

The response header can be empty. In addition, you can also add one by clicking the + on the right side of the response header box, or you can delete the specified one by clicking-on the right side of a response header.

SSL for Nginx

SSL certificate and SSL key

  1. Can update input by uploading files.

    • Click the file upload button next to the input box, and a drop-down menu for uploading files will appear. Click the upload file option to upload the desired file.

  2. Can be generated by manual input.

    • Click the file upload button next to the input box, and a drop-down menu for uploading files will appear. Click the self signed button. There will be a pop-up box to fill in the information. Items marked with * are required.

If you want to get the default data again, you can click the refresh button on the upper right corner of the page.

The fields with * in the label are required entries. When users do not fill in the required items and click the APPLY button, the following error will appear:

If everything is ready, click the APPLY button and a confirmation box will pop up

Click the CANCEL button, the pop-up window will be closed. Click the OK button, it will prompt the success message.Since configuration change requires restarting the server service, a pop-up box will appear to confirm whether to restart the service. After clicking the OK button, it will take a while for the configuration changes and server restart. You will be notified after all the process is completed.

After upgrading to v3.1, downgrading from HTTPS to HTTP (turn off SSL) will result in user authentication failure

In v3.1, TigerGraph enhanced the security configuration for cookie by setting a secure flag when SSL is enabled, which may trigger an issue when using Chrome to turn off SSL. Due to this security feature, when downgrading from HTTPS to HTTP, Chrome will not allow setting the same cookie. This will result in user authentication failure because the cookie fails to be set. To solve this problem, users can clear the cache from Chrome and refresh the browser. Enabling from HTTP to HTTPS will work as expected.

Last updated