
You can sort the results of a query by using the order_by argument. The value for the order_by argument expects either of the following:

  • An input object, with the name of the column to sort by as the key, and either asc or desc as the value to decide whether to sort in ascending or descending order

  • An array of input objects, which will sort the query results by multiple columns

Sort by single column

For example, the following query will sort its results for person vertices by the property name in alphabetical order.

  DemoGraph {
    person (
       order_by : {name : asc}
    ) {

Sort by multiple columns

To sort by multiple fields, put the different fields and sort orders in an array. The following query will sort its results for person vertices first by name in ascending order, and then by height in descending order:

  DemoGraph {
    person (
      order_by : [
        {name : asc},
        {height :desc}
    ) {


The following limitations apply for sorting in TigerGraph GraphQL Service:

  • In a multi-hop query, you can only sort results by root-level vertices

  • Only columns with values of the following types can be used for sorting:

    • Uint64

    • Int64

    • Float

    • String

    • Datetime