Command Glossary

TigerGraph Graph Administrator (gadmin) is a tool for managing TigerGraph servers. It has a self-contained help function and a man page, whose output is shown below for reference.

To see a listing of all the options or commands available for gadmin, run any of the following commands:

$ gadmin -h
$ gadmin --help

After changing a configuration setting, it is generally necessary to run gadmin config apply. Some commands apply automatically. If you are not certain, just run
gadmin config apply

List of commands

Below is the man page for gadmin. Common examples are provided with each command.

Some commands have changed in v3.0. In particular,
gadmin set <config | license>
has changed to
gadmin <config | license> set

GADMIN(1)                         User Commands                                GADMIN(1)

       gadmin - manual page for TigerGraph Administrator.

       gadmin [flags]
       gadmin [command]

       gadmin is a tool for managing TigerGraph servers

       Available Commands:
         autocomplete Generate autocomplete script
         config       Manage the configuration for the TigerGraph system
         help         Help about any command
         init         Init the whole cluster or given service
         license      Manage TigerGraph license
         log          List log files of the given services or all services
         reset        Reset the whole init or given service with its data
         restart      Restart services by service id
         start        Start services by service id
         status       Show current status of service
         stop         Stop services by service id
         version      Show the version information

      --debug   enable debug log output to stdout
  -h, --help    help for gadmin

Use "gadmin [command] --help" for more information about a command.

gadmin autocomplete

Autocomplete is more of a feature than a command. It allows you to see all possible entries of a specific configuration. Press Tab when typing a command to either print out all possible entries or auto-complete the entry you are currently typing.

$ gadmin autocomplete -h

Generate autocomplete script

  gadmin autocomplete <bash|zsh> [flags]

  If you want to make this automatic, add ". <(gadmin autocomplete bash)" to your
  .bashrc file.

  -h, --help   help for autocomplete

Global Flags:
      --debug   enable debug log output to stdout

The example below shows an example of the autocomplete for the command gadmin status.

$ gadmin status
admin         exe           ifm           nginx
all           gpe           infra         restpp
ctrl          gse           kafka         zk
dict          gsql          kafkaconn
etcd          gui           kafkastrm-ll

gadmin backup

gadmin backup commands are used to create and get information about TigerGraph backups. See Backup and Restore for more information about how to perform backups.

gadmin backup create

$ gadmin backup create -h
Create a cluster backup

  gadmin backup create [tag] [flags]


  Creates a cluster backups with a custom tag for the backup.
  gadmin backup create weekly

    -h, --help                                   help for restore
        --data-consistency-check                 Enable the data consistency check during the backup.
        --data-consistency-check-timeout int32   timeout(sec) for data consistency check (default 600)

See Back up a Database Cluster for more examples.

gadmin backup list

$ gadmin backup list -h
List backups

  gadmin backup list [tag] [flags]


  List backups, can specify backup tag name
  gadmin cluster backup list

  -h, --help   help for list
      --json   Render the backups list in json format rather than table.
      --meta   Write metadata to local file, for cross-cluster restore. A tag is required.

Global Flags:
      --debug   enable debug log output to stdout

gadmin backup retain

The retain command does storage cleaning for backups whose tags match the given <TagPrefix>.

$ gadmin backup retain -h

  gadmin backup retain <TagPrefix> [-c] [-d] [flags]


  The 'retain' command performs backup storage cleanup to backups that have
  the given <TagPrefix>. Backups with a tag other than <TagPrefix> are unaffected.

  Specifically, the cleanup is done by keeping only those backup files that satisfy the
  following conditions:
  (1) Backups that do NOT contain the given tag prefix, OR
  (2) Backups that contain the given tag prefix AND
  (a) it is one of the most recent 'count' backups within the same prefix group AND
  (b) the age of backup is within 'duration'.
  E.g. the following command keeps the most recent 10 backups within 10 days for
  backups starting with the prefix "week":
  gadmin backup retain week -c 10 -d 240h
  Other backups with a name starting with the prefix "week" will be removed.

  -c, --count int         Being one of the most recent <count> backups. (default -1, meaning do not cleanup based on count)
      --dry-run           dry run and output the retain result
  -d, --duration string
                          The age of backup is within <duration>.
                          A duration string should be an unsigned sequence of decimal numbers,
                          each with an optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "300ms", "1.5h" or "2h45m".
                          Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".
  -h, --help              help for retain
  -y, --y                 yes to all questions

Global Flags:
      --debug   enable debug log output to stdout

gadmin backup restore

gadmin backup restore -h
Restore a cluster from backup

  gadmin backup restore [tag] [flags]


  Restores a backup with the custom tag for the backup.
  gadmin backup restore weekly-<timestamp>

  -h, --help    help for restore
      --dr      show the restore is on a DR cluster or the one to be a DR cluster.
  -y, --y       yes to all questions

gadmin config

gadmin config commands are used to manage the configuration for the TigerGraph system. To get a complete list of configuration parameters that are available, see Configuration Parameters.

gadmin config has many sub-entries as well, they will be listed below.

$ gadmin config -h

Manage the configuration for the TigerGraph system

  gadmin config [flags]
  gadmin config [command]

  You can specify local config file to turn on file mode, which no remote
  connection will be made and the configs are read/write from/to the file.Note: Not
  all config commands work on file mode.

Available Commands:
  apply       Apply the config changes in staging state
  diff        Show the differences between staging and applied configs
  discard     Discard the staging config changes
  dump        Dump the staging system config in json format
  entry       Configure the entries with given substring patterns interactively
  get         Get the config value of given entry name non-interactivly
  group       Configure the entries of given groups interactively
  init        Initialize configuration
  list        List the available config entries or groups
  set         Configure the entry of given config entry name in a non-interactive manner

      --file string   specify config file path
  -h, --help          help for config

Global Flags:
      --debug   enable debug log output to stdout

Use "gadmin config [command] --help" for more information about a command.

gadmin config apply

Apply the configuration changes.

$ gadmin config apply -h
Apply the config changes in staging state

  gadmin config apply [flags]

  -y, --confirm              confirm to apply and restart dependency services if necessary
  -f, --force                force components to apply new config
  -h, --help                 help for apply
      --initial              config apply with the initial configuration when the remote config (ETCD) is empty
      --restart-deps         restart dependency services
      --with-config string   the input config file used to config apply, will overwrite both local and remote(ETCD)

Global Flags:
      --debug         enable debug log output to stdout
      --file string   specify config file path

gadmin config diff

Show what configuration changes were made.

$ gadmin config diff -h
Show the differences between staging and applied configs

  gadmin config diff [flags]

  -h, --help   help for diff

Global Flags:
      --debug         enable debug log output to stdout
      --file string   specify config file path

gadmin config discard

Discard the configuration changes without applying them.

$ gadmin config discard -h
Discard the staging config changes

  gadmin config discard [flags]

  -h, --help   help for discard

Global Flags:
      --debug         enable debug log output to stdout
      --file string   specify config file path

gadmin config dump

Display all configuration entries.

$ gadmin config dump -h
Dump the staging system config in json format

  gadmin config dump [flags]

  -h, --help   help for dump

Global Flags:
      --debug         enable debug log output to stdout
      --file string   specify config file path

gadmin config entry

Change a configuration entry.

$ gadmin config entry -h
Configure the entries with given substring patterns interactively

  gadmin config entry [EntryName] [flags]

  You may use `config entry system` to go through all the system related entries.

  -a, --all     configure all entries
      --basic   configure basic entries only
  -h, --help    help for entry

Global Flags:
      --debug         enable debug log output to stdout
      --file string   specify config file path

gadmin config get

Get the value of a specific configuration entry.

$ gadmin config get -h
Get the config value of given entry name non-interactivly

  gadmin config get [EntryName] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for get

Global Flags:
      --debug         enable debug log output to stdout
      --file string   specify config file path

gadmin config group

Configure entries for a specific service group.

$ gadmin config group -h
Configure the entries of given groups interactively

  gadmin config group [GroupName] [flags]

  You may use `gadmin config list group` to see all the groups.

  -h, --help   help for group

Global Flags:
      --debug         enable debug log output to stdout
      --file string   specify config file path

gadmin config init

Initialize your configuration.

$ gadmin config init -h
Initialize configuration

  gadmin config init [flags]

      --all            display every configurable entry
      --expert         display node assignment entries
      --ha             enable HA for init
  -h, --help           help for init
  -i, --input string   provide an input file name and init the configuration silently with the provided input file
      --template       show the template for init initialization

Global Flags:
      --debug         enable debug log output to stdout
      --file string   specify config file path

gadmin config list

List all configurable entries or entry groups.

$ gadmin config list -h
List the available config entries or groups

  gadmin config list <group|entry> [flags]

  List prints out the available config groups or config entries, which can be used
  in entry/group commands.

      --basic   list basic entries only
  -h, --help    help for list

Global Flags:
      --debug         enable debug log output to stdout
      --file string   specify config file path

gadmin config set

$ gadmin config set -h
Configure the entry of given config entry name in a non-interactive manner

  gadmin config set [EntryName] [EntryValue] [flags]

  [EntryName] [EntryValue] must be provided in pairs, and use space to separate
  each pair.

  -h, --help   help for set

Global Flags:
      --debug         enable debug log output to stdout
      --file string   specify config file path

gadmin config reset

Reset one or more configuration parameters to their default settings. View the full list of configuration parameters and their default values at Configuration Parameters.

gadmin config reset [EntryName...] [flags]

-h, --help   help for reset

Global Flags:
--debug         enable debug log output to stdout
--file string   specify config file path

gadmin init

$ gadmin init -h

Init the whole cluster or given service

  gadmin init [flags]
  gadmin init [command]

  Init command initializes the cluster/kafka. When "cluster" is specified,
  a config path is required.

Available Commands:
  cluster     Init the whole cluster
  kafka       Init the KAFKA

  -h, --help   help for init

Global Flags:
      --debug   enable debug log output to stdout

Use "gadmin init [command] --help" for more information about a command.

gadmin license

Options for configuring your license.

Note that there are two slightly different ways to use the gadmin license set command:

  • gadmin license set <new_license_key> This syntax is used when the user pastes the license key into the console.

  • gadmin license set @<path_to_license_file> The @ symbol is necessary when the user directs gadmin to a file containing the license key.

$ gadmin license -h

Manage TigerGraph license

  gadmin license [flags]
  gadmin license [command]

Available Commands:
  seed        Collects host signature and generates seed file for issuing license
  set         Set new license
  status      Display license status and info

  -h, --help   help for license

Global Flags:
      --debug   enable debug log output to stdout

Use "gadmin license [command] --help" for more information about a command.

gadmin connector

gadmin connector commands manage the creation, deletion and update for the streaming data connector.

$ gadmin connector -h

Manage the creation, deletion, update for the Kafka connector

  gadmin connector [flags]
  gadmin connector [command]

  You can manage the creation, deletion, and update for the Kafka connector. Starting from version 4.0, the `gadmin connector create` command uses the `--config/-c` argument instead of `--c` for specifying the configuration file.

Available Commands:
  create      Create connectors with a configuration file using the `--config/-c` argument
  delete      Delete the corresponding connector
  list        List the information of the specific connector or list all available connector
  pause       Pause the corresponding connector
  restart     Restart the corresponding connector
  resume      Resume the corresponding connectors
  status      Get the status of the corresponding connectors

  -h, --help   help for connector

Global Flags:
      --debug   enable debug log output to stdout

Use "gadmin connector [command] --help" for more information about a command.

To create a connector with a configuration file:
`gadmin connector create --config/-c /path/to/config-file`

gadmin log

The gadmin log command will reveal the location of all commonly checked log files for the TigerGraph system.

$ gadmin log -h

List log files of the given services or all services

  gadmin log [service name...] [flags]

  Service name should be a valid TigerGraph service name, for example, GSE, RESTPP
  or GPE.

  -h, --help   help for log

Global Flags:
      --debug   enable debug log output to stdout
$ gadmin log
ADMIN  : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/admin/ADMIN#1.out
ADMIN  : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/admin/ADMIN.INFO
CTRL   : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/controller/CTRL#1.log
CTRL   : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/controller/CTRL#1.out
DICT   : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/dict/DICT#1.out
DICT   : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/dict/DICT.INFO
ETCD   : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/etcd/ETCD#1.out
EXE    : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/executor/EXE_1.log
EXE    : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/executor/EXE_1.out
GPE    : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/gpe/GPE_1#1.out
GSE    : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/gse/GSE_1#1.out
GSE    : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/gse/log.INFO
GSQL   : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/gsql/GSQL#1.out
GSQL   : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/gsql/log.INFO
GUI    : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/gui/GUI#1.out
IFM    : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/informant/IFM#1.log
IFM    : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/informant/IFM#1.out
KAFKA  : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/kafka/controller.log
KAFKA  : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/kafka/kafka-request.log
KAFKA  : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/kafka/kafka.log
KAFKA  : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/kafka/server.log
KAFKA  : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/kafka/state-change.log
KAFKACONN: /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/kafkaconn/KAFKACONN#1.out
KAFKACONN: /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/kafkaconn/kafkaconn.log
KAFKASTRM-LL: /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/kafkastrm-ll/KAFKASTRM-LL_1.out
KAFKASTRM-LL: /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/kafkastrm-ll/kafkastrm-ll.log
NGINX  : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/nginx/logs/NGINX#1.out
NGINX  : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/nginx/logs/error.log
NGINX  : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/nginx/logs/nginx.access.log
NGINX  : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/nginx/logs/nginx.error.log
RESTPP : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/restpp/RESTPP#1.out
RESTPP : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/restpp/log.INFO
ZK     : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/zk/ZK#1.out
ZK     : /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log/zk/zookeeper.log

gadmin metric

This command reports information about resource consumption on a cluster or select nodes in a cluster, including CPU usage, memory usage, disk space usage, and network usage.

$ gadmin metric -h
Show the metric information

  gadmin metric [serviceID...] [flags]

  Show metric information including cpu usage, memory usage, diskspace and network.
  ServiceID should be [serviceName][_partition][#replica], e.g., GSE_1#3. Leave
  replica field empty(e.g. GSE_1) to either refer to all replicas of given
  partition, or if the service has no replicas(e.g. EXE_1). Same for parititons.
  If no serviceIDf is specified for the cpu or memory metric type, it will show all
  service metrics.
  Metric type should be one of the four types:
    cpu                 cpu usage
    mem                 memory usage
    disk                diskspace usage
    net                 network related information

  -h, --help           help for metric
  -m, --host strings   choose hosts
  -t, --type string    choose the metric type from [cpu|mem|net|disk] (default "cpu")
  -v, --verbose        report metrics in detail

Global Flags:
      --debug   enable debug log output to stdout

gadmin reset

This command resets a particular service. This command is recommended to be used only at the direction of TigerGraph Support, as data loss may occur.

$ gadmin reset -h

Reset the whole init or given service with its data

  gadmin reset [service name...] [flags]

  Service name should be a valid TigerGraph service name, for example, GSE, RESTPP
  or GPE.

  -y, --confirm   confirm to reset service
  -h, --help      help for reset

Global Flags:
      --debug   enable debug log output to stdout

gadmin restart

The gadmin restart command is used to restart one, many, or all TigerGraph services. You will need to confirm the restarting of services by either entering y (yes) or n (no). To bypass this prompt, you can use the -y flag to force confirmation.

$ gadmin restart -h

Restart services by service id

  gadmin restart [serviceID...] [flags]

  ServiceID should be [serviceName][_partition][#replica], e.g., GSE_1#3. Leave
  replica field empty(e.g. GSE_1) to either refer to all replicas of given
  partition, or if the service has no replicas(e.g. EXE_1). Same for parititons.

      --auto-restart   auto restart the service on crash
  -y, --confirm        confirm to restart service
  -h, --help           help for restart
      --no-dep         restart service without dependency
      --timeout int    request timeout(in MilliSecond) to restart the service
      --wait-online    wait until the services go online, the time limit can be specified by '--timeout'

Global Flags:
      --debug   enable debug log output to stdout
$ gadmin restart all -y
[   Info] Stopping CTRL
[   Info] Stopping EXE
[   Info] Starting EXE
[   Info] Starting CTRL

gadmin start

The gadmin start command can be used to start one, many, or all services.

$ gadmin start -h

Start services by service id

  gadmin start [serviceID...] [flags]

  ServiceID should be [serviceName][_partition][#replica], e.g., GSE_1#3. Leave
  replica field empty(e.g. GSE_1) to either refer to all replicas of given
  partition, or if the service has no replicas(e.g. EXE_1). Same for parititons.
  If no serviceID is specified, it only starts services excluding the
  infrastructure. Use 'gadmin start all' to start all services.

      --auto-restart         auto restart the service on crash
      --dry-run              dry run and output command to start the service
  -h, --help                 help for start
      --ignore-error         ignore errors when starting services
      --no-dep               start service without dependency
      --timeout int          request timeout(in MilliSecond) to start the service
      --wait-online          wait until the services go online, the time limit can be specified by '--timeout'
      --with-config string   start with given config file and dump it to each node (only for executor)
      --local                start only local services in cluster instance

Global Flags:
      --debug   enable debug log output to stdout
$ gadmin start all
[   Info] Starting EXE
[   Info] Starting CTRL

gadmin status

Check the status of TigerGraph component servers:

$ gadmin status -h

Show current status of service

  gadmin status [serviceID...] [flags]

  ServiceID should be [serviceName][_partition][#replica], e.g., GSE_1#3. Leave
  replica field empty(e.g. GSE_1) to either refer to all replicas of given
  partition, or if the service has no replicas(e.g. EXE_1). Same for parititons.
  If no serviceID is specified, it will show all service status

  -h, --help      help for status
  -v, --verbose   report service status in detail

Global Flags:
      --debug   enable debug log output to stdout

Use gadmin status to report whether each of the main component servers is running (up) or stopped (off). The example below shows the normal status when the graph store is empty and a graph schema has not been defined:

$ gadmin status

|    Service Name    |     Service Status      |      Process State      |
|       ADMIN        |         Online          |         Running         |
|        CTRL        |         Online          |         Running         |
|        DICT        |         Online          |         Running         |
|        ETCD        |         Online          |         Running         |
|        GPE         |         Online          |         Running         |
|        GSE         |         Online          |         Running         |
|        GSQL        |         Online          |         Running         |
|        GUI         |         Online          |         Running         |
|        IFM         |         Online          |         Running         |
|       KAFKA        |         Online          |         Running         |
|     KAFKACONN      |         Online          |         Running         |
|    KAFKASTRM-LL    |         Online          |         Running         |
|       NGINX        |         Online          |         Running         |
|       RESTPP       |         Online          |         Running         |
|         ZK         |         Online          |         Running         |

You can also check the status of each instance using the verbose flag : gadmin status -v or gadmin status --verbose. This will show each machine’s status. See example below

$ gadmin status -v GPE

|    Service Name    |     Service Status      |      Process State      |
|      GPE_1#1       |         Warmup          |         Running         |
|      GPE_1#2       |         Warmup          |         Running         |

Here are the most common service and process status states you might see from running the gadmin status command :

Service Status Definitions

  • Online - The service is online and ready.

  • Warmup - The service is processing the graph information and will be online soon.

  • Stopping - The service has received a stop command and will be down soon.

  • Offline - The service is not available.

  • Down - The service has been stopped or crashed.

  • StatusUnknown - The valid status of the service is not tracked.

Process State Status Definitions

  • Init - Process is initializing and will be in the running state soon.

  • Running - The process is running and available.

  • Zombie - There is a leftover process from a previous instance.

  • Stopped - The process has been stopped or crashed.

  • StatusUnknown - The valid status of the process is not tracked.

gadmin stop

The gadmin stop command can be used to stop one, many, or all TigerGraph services. You will need to confirm the restarting of services by either entering y (yes) or n (no). To bypass this prompt, you can use the -y flag to force confirmation.

$ gadmin stop -h

Stop services by service id

  gadmin stop [serviceID...] [flags]

  ServiceID should be [serviceName][_partition][#replica], e.g., GSE_1#3. Leave
  replica field empty(e.g. GSE_1) to either refer to all replicas of given
  partition, or if the service has no replicas(e.g. EXE_1). Same for parititons.
  If no serviceID is specified, it only stops services excluding the
  infrastructure. Use 'gadmin stop all' to stop all services.

  -y, --confirm        confirm to stop service
  -h, --help           help for stop
      --ignore-error   ignore errors when stoping services
      --timeout int    request timeout(in MilliSecond) to stop the service
      --local          stop only local services in cluster instance

Global Flags:
      --debug   enable debug log output to stdout

gadmin version

$ gadmin version -h

Show the version information

  gadmin version [flags]

  Show version information of all TigerGraph components, including repo name,
  version, git commit number, git commit datetime.

  -h, --help   help for version

Global Flags:
      --debug   enable debug log output to stdout