Cluster Commands

This page documents a list of advanced Linux commands that simplify platform operations that are performed often during debugging, especially on high availability (HA) clusters. Only the TigerGraph platform owner (the Linux user created during installation) has access to the commands on this page.

Users are advised to use these commands only at the guidance and recommendation of TigerGraph support.

Connection between nodes

Connect to another node via SSH

$ gssh <node_name>

This command allows you to connect to another node in your cluster via SSH.


# Originally on m1
[tigergraph@ip-172-31-88-111 ~]$ gssh m3
Last login: Fri Apr 23 18:24:27 2021
# Now connected to m3 via ssh
[[tigergraph@ip-172-31-93-187 ~]$

File operations

Copy files on the specified nodes

$ gscp <all|component_name|node_list> <source_path> <target_dir>

This command allows you to copy files from the current node to target folders on multiple nodes at the same time. The file or directory on the current node specified by the source path will be copied into the target folder on every node.

If the target folder does not exist at the path given, the target folder will be created automatically. You can also specify multiple source files or directories, in which case, the source paths need to be absolute paths, put in quotes, and separated by a space.

You can specify the nodes where you want the copy operation to occur in the following ways:

  • gscp all <source_path> <target_dir> will execute the command on all nodes

  • gscp <component_name> <source_path> <target_dir> will execute the command on nodes where the component you specified is running

  • gscp <node_list> <source_path> <target_dir> will execute the command on the nodes you specify in the node list


  • Single source

  • Multiple sources

$ gscp all /tmp/gscp_test /tmp/gscp_test_folder

### Connecting to local  server ...

### Connecting to remote server ...

### Connecting to remote server ...

// A copy of gscp_test is on every node
$ grun all 'ls /tmp/gscp_text_folder'

### Connecting to local  server ...

### Connecting to remote server ...

### Connecting to remote server ...

// Copy file to the target folder only on nodes where GPE is running
$ gscp gpe /tmp/gscp_test1 /tmp/gscp_test_folder

// Copy file to a specified list of nodes
$ gscp m1,m2 /tmp/gscp_test3 /tmp/gscp_test_folder
$ gscp all "/tmp/gscp_test1 /tmp/gscp_test2" /tmp/gscp_test_folder

### Connecting to local  server ...

### Connecting to remote server ...

### Connecting to remote server ...

// Copies of both files are on every node
$ grun all 'ls /tmp/gscp_text_folder'

### Connecting to local  server ...
gscp_test1 gscp_test2

### Connecting to remote server ...
gscp_test1 gscp_test2

### Connecting to remote server ...
gscp_test1 gscp_test2

Download file from another node

$ gfetch <all|component_name|node_list> <source_path> <target_dir>

This command downloads a file or directory from every specified node to the target directory on the current node.


$ gfetch all ~/test.txt ~/test_folder

### Connecting to local  server ...

### Connecting to remote server ...

### Connecting to remote server ...
scp: /home/tigergraph/test.txt: No such file or directory

// Nothing is downloaded if the file does not exist on a node
$ ls ~/test_folder
test.txt_m1  test.txt_m2

Run commands on multiple nodes

Run commands sequentially

$ grun <all|component_name|node_list> '<command>'

This command allows you to run commands on a specified list of nodes in your cluster one by one, and the output from every node will be visible to the terminal. grun will wait for the command to finish running on one node before executing the command on the next node.

You can specify which nodes to run commands on in the following ways:

  • grun all '<command>' will execute the command on all nodes

  • grun <component_name> '<command>' will execute the command on nodes where the component you specified is running

  • grun <node_list> '<command>' will execute the commands on the nodes you specify in the node list


  • All nodes

  • By component name

  • By node list

grun all 'echo "hello world"'

### Connecting to local  server ...
hello world

### Connecting to remote server ...
hello world

### Connecting to remote server ...
hello world
# Run 'echo "hello world"' on every node where GPE is running
grun gpe 'echo "hello world"'

### Connecting to local  server ...
hello world

### Connecting to remote server ...
hello world

### Connecting to remote server ...
hello world
grun m1,m3 'echo "hello world"'

### Connecting to local  server ...
hello world

### Connecting to remote server ...
hello world

Run commands in parallel

$ grun_p <all|component_name|node_list> '<command>'

This command allows you to run commands on a specified list of nodes in your cluster in parallel. The output will be visible to the terminal where the grun_p command was run. You can specify the nodes to run commands on in the following ways:

  • grun_p all '<command>' will execute the command on all nodes

  • grun_p <component_name> '<command>' will execute the command on nodes where the component you specified is running

  • grun_p <node_list> '<command>' will execute the commands on the nodes you specify in the node list. The list of nodes should be separated by a comma, e.g.: m1,m2

  • All nodes

  • By component

  • By node list

$ grun_p all 'echo "hello world"'

### Connecting to local  server ...

### Connecting to remote server ...

### Connecting to remote server ...

### ---- (m1)_172.31.91.54 ---0--
hello world

### ---- (m2)_172.31.88.179 ---0--
hello world

### ---- (m3)_172.31.91.208 ---0--
hello world
$ grun_p gpe 'echo "hello world"'

### Connecting to local  server ...

### Connecting to remote server ...

### Connecting to remote server ...

### ---- (m1)_172.31.91.54 ---0--
hello world

### ---- (m2)_172.31.88.179 ---0--
hello world

### ---- (m3)_172.31.91.208 ---0--
hello world
$ grun_p m1,m3 'echo "hello world"'

### Connecting to local  server ...

### Connecting to remote server ...

### ---- (m1)_172.31.91.54 ---0--
hello world

### ---- (m3)_172.31.91.208 ---0--
hello world

Display cluster information

Show current GSQL leader

$ gsql -leader

This command outputs the name of the current GSQL leader as well as the leader’s IP address.


$ gsql -leader
m1 : 192:192:19:219

Show current node IP

$ gmyip

This command returns the private IP address of your current node.


$ gmyip # Current node IP address

Show current node number and servers

$ ghostname

This command returns your current node number as well as all servers that are running on the current node.


In this example, m1 is the current node number, and ADMIN#1, admin#1 etc. are all servers that are running on m1.

$ ghostname

m1 ADMIN#1 admin#1 CTRL#1 ctrl#1 DICT#1 dict#1 ETCD#1 etcd#1 EXE_1 exe_1 GPE_1#1 gpe_1#1 GSE_1#1 gse_1#1 GSQL#1 gsql#1 GUI#1 gui#1 IFM#1 ifm#1 KAFKA#1 kafka#1 KAFKACONN#1 kafkaconn#1 KAFKASTRM-LL_1 kafkastrm-ll_1 NGINX#1 nginx#1 RESTPP#1 restpp#1 ZK#1 zk#1

Show deployment information

$ gssh

The gssh command, when used without arguments, outputs information about server deployments in your cluster. The output contains the names and IP addresses of every node. For each node, the output shows the full list of servers that are running on the node. For each server, the output shows the full list of the nodes that the server is running on.


$ gssh

Usage: gssh m1|gpe_1#1|gse1_1#1|...
Usage: ----------------Available hosts--------------
Host *
    IdentityFile /home/tigergraph/.ssh/tigergraph_rsa
    Port 22

Host m1 ADMIN#1 admin#1 CTRL#1 ctrl#1 DICT#1 dict#1 ETCD#1 etcd#1 EXE_1 exe_1 GPE_1#1 gpe_1#1 GSE_1#1 gse_1#1 GSQL#1 gsql#1 GUI#1 gui#1 IFM#1 ifm#1 KAFKA#1 kafka#1 KAFKACONN#1 kafkaconn#1 KAFKASTRM-LL_1 kafkastrm-ll_1 NGINX#1 nginx#1 RESTPP#1 restpp#1 ZK#1 zk#1

Host m2 ADMIN#2 admin#2 CTRL#2 ctrl#2 DICT#2 dict#2 ETCD#2 etcd#2 EXE_2 exe_2 GPE_2#1 gpe_2#1 GSE_2#1 gse_2#1 GSQL#2 gsql#2 GUI#2 gui#2 IFM#2 ifm#2 KAFKA#2 kafka#2 KAFKACONN#2 kafkaconn#2 KAFKASTRM-LL_2 kafkastrm-ll_2 NGINX#2 nginx#2 RESTPP#2 restpp#2 ZK#2 zk#2

Host m3 ADMIN#3 admin#3 CTRL#3 ctrl#3 DICT#3 dict#3 ETCD#3 etcd#3 EXE_3 exe_3 GPE_3#1 gpe_3#1 GSE_3#1 gse_3#1 GSQL#3 gsql#3 GUI#3 gui#3 IFM#3 ifm#3 KAFKA#3 kafka#3 KAFKACONN#3 kafkaconn#3 KAFKASTRM-LL_3 kafkastrm-ll_3 NGINX#3 nginx#3 RESTPP#3 restpp#3 ZK#3 zk#3

#cluster.nodes: m1:,m2:,m3:
#admin.servers: m1,m2,m3
#ctrl.servers: m1,m2,m3
#dict.servers: m1,m2,m3
#etcd.servers: m1,m2,m3
#exe.servers: m1,m2,m3
#gpe.servers: m1,m2,m3
#gse.servers: m1,m2,m3
#gsql.servers: m1,m2,m3
#gui.servers: m1,m2,m3
#ifm.servers: m1,m2,m3
#kafka.servers: m1,m2,m3
#kafkaconn.servers: m1,m2,m3
#kafkastrm-ll.servers: m1,m2,m3
#nginx.servers: m1,m2,m3
#restpp.servers: m1,m2,m3
#zk.servers: m1,m2,m3
#log.root: /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/log
#app.root: /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/app/3.1.1
#data.root: /home/tigergraph/tigergraph/data

Show graph status

$ gstatusgraph

This command returns the size of your data, the number of existing vertices and edges, and the number of deleted and skipped vertices on every node in your cluster. If you are running TigerGraph on a single node, it will return the same information for that one node.

Single-node example

$ gstatusgraph
=== graph ===
[GRAPH  ] Graph was loaded (/home/tigergraph/tigergraph/data/gstore/0/part/):
[m1     ] Partition size: 437MiB, IDS size: 103MiB, Vertex count: 3181724, Edge count: 34512076, NumOfDeletedVertices: 0 NumOfSkippedVertices: 0
[WARN   ] Above vertex and edge counts are for internal use which show approximate topology size of the local graph partition. Use DML to get the correct graph topology information

Cluster example

$ gstatusgraph
=== graph ===
[GRAPH  ] Graph was loaded (/home/tigergraph/tigergraph/data/gstore/0/part/):
[m1     ] Partition size: 246MiB, IDS size: 31MiB, Vertex count: 1152822, Edge count: 10908545, NumOfDeletedVertices: 0 NumOfSkippedVertices: 0
[m2     ] Partition size: 248MiB, IDS size: 31MiB, Vertex count: 1157325, Edge count: 11004342, NumOfDeletedVertices: 0 NumOfSkippedVertices: 0
[m3     ] Partition size: 225MiB, IDS size: 29MiB, Vertex count: 1049883, Edge count: 10009479, NumOfDeletedVertices: 0 NumOfSkippedVertices: 0
[WARN   ] Above vertex and edge counts are for internal use which show approximate topology size of the local graph partition. Use DML to get the correct graph topology information