Upgrading an Existing Installation

Before you begin

Check release notes for changes in functionality

Always check the Release Notes for all the versions between your current version and your target version, for deprecated features, known issues, new reserved words, or other behavioral changes. You may need to make migration changes to your TigerGraph application either before or after the upgrade. For example, change the name of schema elements and refactor queries if a new reserved word was introduced. If you have any questions or uncertainty, please contact TigerGraph Support.

User-defined function (UDF) compatibility

TigerGraph version 3.9 introduced changes in the way user-defined functions are accepted by the system.

  • Some UDFs may no longer be accepted due to increased security screening.

  • UDFs may no longer be called to_string(). This is now a built-in GSQL function.

  • UDF names may no longer use the tg_ prefix.

If any UDFs do not satisfy these restrictions, then they will not be installed. GSQL will return these errors:

Reserved tg_ prefix error
The following function name(s) contain errors:
  [reserved 'tg_']: tg_myFunction

Please rename the corresponding functions in: ExprFunctions.hpp
Reserved to_string() function name
Following GSQL built-in function name(s): [to_string] can not be used again for user defined function name(s)!
GSQL built-in functions are case-insensitive. Please rename corresponding user defined functions in ExprFunctions.hpp.

Any user-defined function previously used in an older TigerGraph version that does not comply with these requirements must be renamed or removed in ExprFunctions.hpp.

Make a Backup

As a precaution, it is always a good idea to make a full backup before performing a major system change like an upgrade. System upgrade does not support version rollback at this time.

Prepare a pre-3.2 database

  1. First perform a backup using GBAR (Graph Backup and Restore) on your existing installation.

  2. Restore your installation with GBAR to rebuild it. This step is necessary because TigerGraph 3.2 made major changes to the Graph Storage Engine and a restore is needed to remove certain files that would make the upgrade operation fail.

  3. Ensure that the restore is completely finished and there are no pending graph modifications (schema change, insert, update, or delete) before starting the upgrade. You can do this by calling the /rebuildnow endpoint and waiting until there are no more PullDelta messages being printed in the logs.

Ensure that the database is inactive

Ensure that the database will be inactive throughout the upgrade process.
  1. Stop any new database requests.

  2. Ensure that all previous operations such as queries, loading jobs, schema changes, and data updates and deletions are completely finished. Check the appropriate logs. Call the /rebuildnow endpoint to force the data store to consume all pending updates and then wait until there are no more PullDelta messages being printed in the logs.

Upgrading a CRR system

To upgrade the TigerGraph software on a CRR system, follow this sequence of steps.

  1. Disable CRR on your DR cluster.

    $ gadmin config set System.CrossRegionReplication.Enabled false
    $ gadmin config apply -y
    $ gadmin restart all -y
  2. Upgrade both the primary cluster and DR cluster, according to the instructions on this page.

  3. Enable CRR on the DR cluster.

Upgrading from v3.x

Any 3.x version of TigerGraph can be upgraded to another v3.x version by running the installation script with the upgrade(-U) flag.

  1. Download the latest version of TigerGraph to your system.

  2. Extract the tar file.

  3. Run the installation script under the Linux user created during installation with the upgrade flag (-U) that was extracted from the tar file:

$ ./install.sh -U

Please upgrade from the most recent maintenance version in any minor release. If you are upgrading from a version that does not have the most recent patches applied to its minor version, upgrade to the most recent patches first before upgrading to another minor or major version. For example, if you are upgrading from 3.5.0 to 3.9, upgrade to 3.5.3 first using the installation script and then upgrade to 3.9.

Additionally, versions upgrading from 3.0 or 3.1 must first go through 3.2.4. For example, if you are running version 3.1.3, you must first upgrade to 3.1.6, then 3.2.4, then to 3.9.

Upgrading from v2.x

Please contact TigerGraph Support to coordinate upgrading to TigerGraph version 3.9 if you are currently using a 2.x version of TigerGraph. Even though all the steps are documented, it is strongly recommended that you review the process with the TigerGraph Support team.

Upgrading the Developer Edition or migrating to another edition are not supported.

For detailed upgrade procedures, see our support article on the 2.6.x to 3.x upgrade flow

Upgrading Cloud Marketplace Images

Upgrading from 3.x

  1. Back up your TigerGraph instance using GBAR.

  2. Start a new instance from the latest cloud marketplace listing.

  3. Use the backup files you generated earlier to restore the new instance.

Upgrading from 2.x

If you want to upgrade your Cloud Marketplace image from v2.x on any cloud platform, please open a support ticket. for instructions and assistance.

Known Issues and Workarounds

Several things may have changed between your current release and 3.9.x and these steps should help to upgrade the UDF file before starting the upgrade process or prepare users to address anything that may come up as a result of the upgrade.

to_string() is Now a Built-in Function:

In previous releases, to_string() was included in the default ExprFunctions file and is a common utility function added to the ExprFunctions file.

What to do:

Users need to rename or remove UDFs that are called to_string(). Now, that it is added as a built-in function users are no longer needing to include it in the ExprFunctions file.

For more reference on how to prepare for an upgrade please refer back to the section: Before You Begin.

tg_ is Now a Reserved Keyword

TigerGraph uses the tg_ prefix to denote functions provided by TigerGraph.

What to do:

Users can either rename, remove, or comment out any functions in their ExprFunctions file that contain this prefix. Additionally, users should avoid prefixing future functions with this reserved prefix. This is to avoid naming collisions with queries.

For more reference on how to prepare for an upgrade please refer back to the section: Before You Begin.

UDF File Policy

There is some UDF enforcement taking place. The UDF files are scanned to make sure they comply with the file policy. This is to ensure there are none of the following:

  1. Macros with a replacement.

    #define TABLE_SIZE 100
    Notice the macro without replacement is allowed
  2. Headers and Includes from potentially vulnerable C++ features

    If the header file is not included in our default allowlist, users can, at their own discretion, add C++ headers to an allowlist. Users are free to edit the allowlist via gadmin config set GSQL.UDF.Policy.HeaderAllowlist.

    Additionally, users can also disable a file policy after an upgrade with this command:

    gadmin config set GSQL.UDF.Policy.Enable false

    This is so the restrictions will not take effect.

What to do:

It is recommended that users consult with the entire policy and adjust the UDF files to comply with the file policy.

For more reference please see: UDF File Scanning.

Other issues

For any other issues encountered please contact support@tigergraph.com.