Path Finding Functions

The functions on this page find paths between vertices within the graph. All functions in this module are called as methods on a TigerGraphConnection object.


shortestPath(sourceVertices: Union[dict, tuple, list], targetVertices: Union[dict, tuple, list], maxLength: int = None, vertexFilters: Union[list, dict] = None, edgeFilters: Union[list, dict] = None, allShortestPaths: bool = False) → dict

Finds the shortest path (or all shortest paths) between the source and target vertex sets.

A vertex set is a set of dictionaries that each has three top-level keys: v_type, v_id, and attributes (also a dictionary).


  • sourceVertices: A vertex set (a list of vertices) or a list of (vertexType, vertexID) tuples; the source vertices of the shortest paths sought.

  • targetVertices: A vertex set (a list of vertices) or a list of (vertexType, vertexID) tuples; the target vertices of the shortest paths sought.

  • maxLength: The maximum length of a shortest path. Optional, default is 6.

  • vertexFilters: An optional list of (vertexType, condition) tuples or {"type": <str>, "condition": <str>} dictionaries.

  • edgeFilters: An optional list of (edgeType, condition) tuples or {"type": <str>, "condition": <str>} dictionaries.

  • allShortestPaths: If True, the endpoint will return all shortest paths between the source and target. Default is False, meaning that the endpoint will return only one path.


The shortest path between the source and the target. The returned value is a subgraph: all vertices and edges that are part of the path(s); i.e. not a (list of individual) path(s).


path = conn.shortestPath(("account", 10), ("person", 50), maxLength=3)

path = conn.shortestPath(("account", 10), ("person", 50), allShortestPaths=True,
vertexFilters=("transfer", "amount>950"), edgeFilters=("receive", "type=4"))



allPaths(sourceVertices: Union[dict, tuple, list], targetVertices: Union[dict, tuple, list], maxLength: int, vertexFilters: Union[list, dict] = None, edgeFilters: Union[list, dict] = None) → dict

Find all possible paths up to a given maximum path length between the source and target vertex sets.

A vertex set is a dict that has three top-level keys: v_type, v_id, attributes (a dict).


  • sourceVertices: A vertex set (a list of vertices) or a list of (vertexType, vertexID) tuples; the source vertices of the shortest paths sought.

  • targetVertices: A vertex set (a list of vertices) or a list of (vertexType, vertexID) tuples; the target vertices of the shortest paths sought.

  • maxLength: The maximum length of the paths.

  • vertexFilters: An optional list of (vertexType, condition) tuples or {"type": <str>, "condition": <str>} dictionaries.

  • edgeFilters: An optional list of (edgeType, condition) tuples or {"type": <str>, "condition": <str>} dictionaries.


All paths between a source vertex (or vertex set) and target vertex (or vertex set). The returned value is a subgraph: all vertices and edges that are part of the path(s); i.e. not a (list of individual) path(s).


path = conn.allPaths(("account", 10), ("person", 50), allShortestPaths=True,
vertexFilters=("transfer", "amount>950"), edgeFilters=("receive", "type=4"))
