
A TigerGraphConnection object provides the HTTP(S) communication used by all other modules.


init(host: str = "", graphname: str = "MyGraph", gsqlSecret: str = "", username: str = "tigergraph", password: str = "tigergraph", tgCloud: bool = False, restppPort: Union[int, str] = "9000", gsPort: Union[int, str] = "14240", gsqlVersion: str = "", version: str = "", apiToken: str = "", useCert: bool = None, certPath: str = None, debug: bool = None, sslPort: Union[int, str] = "443", gcp: bool = False, jwtToken: str = "")

Initiate a connection object.


  • host: The host name or IP address of the TigerGraph server. Make sure to include the protocol (http:// or https://). If certPath is None and the protocol is https, a self-signed certificate will be used.

  • graphname: The default graph for running queries.

  • gsqlSecret: The secret key for GSQL.
    See this for more details.

  • username: The username on the TigerGraph server.

  • password: The password for that user.

  • tgCloud: Set to True if using TigerGraph Cloud. If your hostname contains tgcloud, then this is automatically set to True, and you do not need to set this argument.

  • restppPort: The port for REST++ queries.

  • gsPort: The port for gsql server.

  • gsqlVersion: The version of the GSQL client to be used. Effectively the version of the database being connected to.

  • apiToken (Optional): Paremeter for specifying a RESTPP service token. Use getToken() to get a token.

  • version: DEPRECATED; use gsqlVersion.

  • useCert: DEPRECATED; the need for a CA certificate is now determined by URL scheme.

  • certPath: The filesystem path to the CA certificate. Required in case of https connections.

  • debug: DEPRECATED; configure standard logging in your app.

  • sslPort: Port for fetching SSL certificate in case of firewall.

  • gcp: DEPRECATED. Previously used for connecting to databases provisioned on GCP in TigerGraph Cloud.

  • jwtToken: The JWT token generated from customer side for authentication


TigerGraphException: In case on invalid URL scheme.


customizeHeader(timeout: int = 16000, responseSize: int = 32000000.0)

Method to configure the request header.


  • tiemout (int, optional): The timeout value desired in milliseconds. Defaults to 16,000 ms (16 sec)

  • responseSize: The size of the response in bytes. Defaults to 3.2E7 bytes (32 MB).


Nothing. Sets responseConfigHeader class attribute.


getVersion(raw: bool = False) → Union[str, list]

Retrieves the git versions of all components of the system.


  • raw: Return unprocessed version info string, or extract version info for each component into a list.


Either an unprocessed string containing the version info details, or a list with version info for each component.



getVer(component: str = "product", full: bool = False) → str

Gets the version information of a specific component.

Get the full list of components using getVersion().


  • component: One of TigerGraph’s components (e.g. product, gpe, gse).

  • full: Return the full version string (with timestamp, etc.) or just X.Y.Z.


Version info for specified component.


TigerGraphException if invalid/non-existent component is specified.