Accumulators are special types of variables that accumulate information about the graph during its traversal and exploration.
Because they are a unique and important feature of the GSQL query language, we devote a separate section to their introduction, but additional detail on their usage will be covered in other sections, the SELECT
Statement section in particular.
This section covers the following subset of the EBNF language definitions:
accumDeclStmt :=
accumType localAccumName ["=" constant]
["," localAccumName ["=" constant]]*
| accumType globalAccumName ["=" constant]
["," globalAccumName ["=" constant]]*
localAccumName := "@"accumName;
globalAccumName := "@@"accumName;
accumType := "SumAccum" "<" ( INT | FLOAT | DOUBLE | STRING) ">"
| "MaxAccum" "<" ( INT | FLOAT | DOUBLE ) ">"
| "MinAccum" "<" ( INT | FLOAT | DOUBLE ) ">"
| "AvgAccum"
| "OrAccum"
| "AndAccum"
| "BitwiseOrAccum"
| "BitwiseAndAccum"
| "ListAccum" "<" elementType ">"
| "SetAccum" "<" elementType ">"
| "BagAccum" "<" elementType ">"
| "MapAccum" "<" elementType "," (baseType | accumType | tupleType) ">"
| "HeapAccum" "<" tupleType ">" "(" simpleSize "," fieldName [ASC | DESC]
["," fieldName [ASC | DESC]]* ")"
| "GroupByAccum" "<" elementType fieldName ["," elementType fieldName]* ,
accumType fieldName ["," accumType fieldName]* ">"
| "ArrayAccum" "<" accumName ">"
| "DeviationAccum"
| "DeviationPAccum"
elementType := baseType | tupleType
gAccumAccumStmt := globalAccumName "+=" expr
accumClause := ACCUM DMLSubStmtList
postAccumClause := "POST-ACCUM" DMLSubStmtList
There are a number of different types of accumulators, each providing specific accumulation functions. Accumulators are declared to have one of three types of association: global, vertex-attached, or edge.
Edge accumulators are supported starting with version 3.10, but only for single-hop paths in non-distributed queries. Starting with version 4.1, edge accumulators do not have this restriction; they can be used with multi-hop paths and in distributed queries. |
More technically, accumulators are mutable mutex (mutual exclusion) variables shared among all the graph computation threads exploring the graph within a given query. To improve performance, the graph processing engine employs multithreaded processing. Modification of accumulators is coordinated at run-time so the accumulation operator works correctly (i.e., mutually exclusively) across all threads.
This is particularly relevant in the ACCUM
clause. During traversal of the graph, the selected set of edges or vertices is partitioned among a group of threads.
These threads have shared mutually exclusive access to the accumulators.
Declaration of Accumulators
Global accumulators can be declared anywhere in the query.
Vertex-attached accumulators can be declared anywhere in the query except for in a
loop orWHILE
loop. -
Edge-attached accumulators can be declared anywhere in the query except for in a
loop orWHILE
Accumulators are block-scoped and can only be accessed in the block where they are declared.
The name of a vertex-attached accumulator begins with a single
. -
The name of a edge-attached accumulator syntax differs from vertex-attached accumulator syntax by the leading
keyword. -
The name of a global accumulator begins with
accumDeclStmt := globalAccumDeclStmt
| localAccumDeclStmt
localAccumDeclStmt := vertexAccumDeclStmt
| edgeAccumDeclStmt
globalAccumDeclStmt := accumType globalAccum ["=" expr]
["," globalAccumName ["=" expr]]*
vertexAccumDeclStmt := accumType localAccumName ["=" expr]
["," vertexAccumName ["=" expr]]*
edgeAccumDeclStmt := accumType EDGE localAccumName ["=" expr]
["," edgeAccumName ["=" expr]]*
localAccumName := "@"accumName;
globalAccumName := "@@"accumName;
Vertex-attached Accumulators
Vertex-attached accumulators are mutable state variables that are attached to each vertex in the graph for the duration of the query’s lifetime. They act as run-time attributes of a vertex. They are shared, mutually exclusively, among all query processes.
Vertex-attached accumulators can be set to a value with the =
Additionally, the operator =` can be used to update the state of the accumulator; the function of `=
depends on the accumulator type.
Vertex-attached accumulators can only be accessed or updated (via =
or +=
) in an ACCUM
clause within a SELECT
statement or by a PRINT
In the example below, there are two accumulators attached to each vertex.
The initial value of an accumulator of a given type is predefined, however it can be changed at declaration as in the accumulator @weight
All vertex-attached accumulator names have a single leading at-sign @
SumAccum<INT> @neighbors;
MaxAccum<FLOAT> @weight = 2.8;
If there is a graph with 10 vertices, then there is an instance of @neighbors
and @weight
for each vertex (hence 10 of each, and 20 total accumulator instances).
These are accessed via the dot operator on a vertex variable or a vertex alias (e.g., v.@neighbor
The accumulator operator += only impacts the accumulator for the specific vertex being referenced.
A statement such as v1.@neighbors += 1
will only impact v1
's @neighbors
and not the @neighbors
for other vertices.
Edge-attached Accumulators
Currently, we only support edge attached accumulators in single GPR mode, a new internal engine framework for compiling non-distributed queries. Please install the query with 'set single_gpr = true' or '-single' flag to use this feature. |
Edge-attached accumulators are mutable state variables that are attached to each edge in the graph for the duration of the query’s lifetime. They act as run-time attributes of a edge. They are shared, mutually exclusively, among all query processes.
Edge-attached accumulators can be set to a value with the =
Additionally, the operator +=
can be used to update the state of the accumulator; the function of +=
depends on the accumulator type.
Edge-attached accumulators can only be used (via =
or +=
) in ACCUM
clauses within a SELECT
In the example below, there are two accumulators attached to each edge.
The initial value of an accumulator of a given type is predefined, however it can be changed at declaration as in the accumulator @count
All edge accumulator names have a single leading at-sign @
Edge-attached accumulator syntax differs from vertex-attached accumulator syntax by the leading The only needs to be declared once per variable type. (Ex. |
SumAccum<INT> EDGE @count = 1;
MaxAccum<FLOAT> EDGE @max;
These are accessed via the dot operator on a edge variable or a edge alias (e.g., e.@count
The accumulator operator +=
only impacts the accumulator for the specific edge being referenced.
A statement such as e1.@count += 1
will only impact e1
's @count
and not the @count
for other edges.
SumAccum<INT> EDGE @count;
FROM Person:s -(KNOWS:e)- :t
e.@count += 1;
FROM Person:s -(KNOWS:e)- :t
WHERE e.@count > 0;
print R2;
Edge accumulators cannot be used in |
Known Issues
Placing a vertex as a key and an edge accumulator as a value in a MapAccum can cause the query creation to fail.
Attaching an ArrayAccum to an edge that is not connected to the target vertex can cause the query creation to fail.
Edge accumulator feature is not supported with Distributed GPR mode with distributed calculation, and need data synchronization for any undirected edge types or reverse edge types.
Global accumulators
A global accumulator is a single mutable accumulator that can be accessed or updated within a query. The names of global accumulators start with a double at-sign @@
SumAccum<INT> @@totalNeighbors;
MaxAccum<FLOAT> @@entropy = 1.0;
Global accumulators can only be assigned (using the =
operator) outside a SELECT
block (i.e., not within an ACCUM
Global accumulators can be accessed or updated via the accumulate operator +=
anywhere within a query, including inside a SELECT
The accumulation operation for global accumulators in an ACCUM
clause executes once for each process. That is:
If the
clause uses an edge-induced selection (introduced in Section "`SELECT` Statement"), theACCUM
clause executes one process for each edge in the selected edge set. -
If the
clause uses a vertex-induced selection (introduced in Section "`SELECT` Statement"), theACCUM
clause executes one process for each vertex in the selected vertex set.
Since global accumulators are shared in a mutually exclusive manner among processes, they behave very differently than a non-accumulator variable (see the Declaration Statements section for more details) in an ACCUM
Take the following code example. The global accumulator @@globalRelationshipCount
is accumulated for every Works_For
edge traversed since it is shared among processes. Conversely, Relationship_Count
appears to have only been incremented once.
This is because a non-accumulator variable is not shared among processes.
Each process has its own separate unshared copy of Relationship_Count
and increments the original value by one. (E.g., each process increments Relationship_Count from 0 to 1.) There is no accumulation and the final value is one.
// Count the total number of employment relationships for all companies
CREATE QUERY count_employment_relationships() FOR GRAPH Work_Net SYNTAX V2 {
INT local_relationship_count;
SumAccum<INT> @@global_relationship_count;
start = {Company.*};
companies = SELECT s FROM start:s -(Works_For)- :t
ACCUM @@global_relationship_count += 1,
local_relationship_count = local_relationship_count + 1;
PRINT local_relationship_count;
PRINT @@global_relationship_count;
GSQL > RUN QUERY count_employment_relationships()
"error": false,
"message": "",
"version": {
"schema": 0,
"edition": "enterprise",
"api": "v2"
"results": [
{"local_relationship_count": 1},
{"@@global_relationship_count": 17}
Accumulator Types
The following are the accumulator types we currently support. Each type of accumulator supports one or more data types.
accumType := "SumAccum" "<" ( INT | FLOAT | DOUBLE | STRING) ">"
| "MaxAccum" "<" ( INT | FLOAT | DOUBLE ) ">"
| "MinAccum" "<" ( INT | FLOAT | DOUBLE ) ">"
| "AvgAccum"
| "OrAccum"
| "AndAccum"
| "BitwiseOrAccum"
| "BitwiseAndAccum"
| "ListAccum" "<" type ">"
| "SetAccum" "<" elementType ">"
| "BagAccum" "<" elementType ">"
| "MapAccum" "<" elementType "," (baseType | accumType | tupleType) ">"
| "HeapAccum" "<" tupleType ">" "(" simpleSize "," fieleName [ASC | DESC]
["," fieldName [ASC | DESC]]* ")"
| "GroupByAccum" "<" elementType fieldName ["," elementType fieldName]* ,
accumType fieldName ["," accumType fieldName]* ">"
| "ArrayAccum" "<" accumName ">"
| "DeviationAccum"
| "DeviationPAccum"
elementType := baseType | tupleType
gAccumAccumStmt := globaAccumName "+=" expr
The accumulators fall into two major groups :
Scalar Accumulators store a single value:
MinAccum, MaxAccum
AndAccum, OrAccum
BitwiseAndAccum, BitwiseOrAccum
DeviationAccum, DeviationPAccum
Collection Accumulators store a set of values:
The details of each accumulator type are summarized in this table. The Accumulation Operation column explains how the accumulator exampleAccum
is updated when the statement exampleAccum += newVal
is executed.
User should be careful when using Additionally, users should add a check for an invalid vertex before using the vertex. Example
Following the table are example queries for each accumulator type.
Accumulator type (Case Sensitive) | Default Initial Value | Accumulation operation |
0 |
Adds right operand to |
0.0 |
Adds right operand to |
Empty string |
Concatenates |
Updates the value of |
Updates the value of |
Empty string |
Updates the value of |
Vertex with internal ID |
Updates the value of |
Default for each field of the tuple |
Updates the value of |
Updates the value of |
Updates the value of |
empty string |
Updates the value of |
unknown |
Updates the value of |
Default for each field of the tuple |
Updates the value of |
0.0 (double precision) |
Updates |
0.0 (double precision) |
Updates |
0.0 (double precision) |
Updates |
True |
Updates |
False |
Updates |
-1 (INT) = 64-bit sequence of 1s |
Updates |
0 (INT) = 64-bit sequence of 0s |
Updates |
Empty list |
Appends right operand to end of |
empty set |
Updates |
Empty bag |
Updates |
Empty map |
Adds or updates a key-value pair of |
Empty list |
See the ArrayAccum section below for details. |
Empty heap |
Inserts right operand into HeapAccum, maintaining the
heap in sorted order, according to the sort key(s) and size limit
declared for this |
Empty group by map |
Adds or updates a key:value pair GroupByAccum. See Section GroupByAccum for more details. |
The SumAccum
type computes and stores the cumulative sum of numeric values or the cumulative concatenation of text values. The output of a SumAccum
is a single numeric or string value. SumAccum
variables operate on values of type INT
The =` operator updates the accumulator's state.
For `INT`, `FLOAT`, and `DOUBLE` types, `= arg
performs a numeric addition, while for the STRING
value type += arg
concatenates arg
to the current value of the SumAccum
CREATE QUERY sum_accum_ex() FOR GRAPH Minimal_Net {
SumAccum<INT> @@int_accum;
SumAccum<FLOAT> @@float_accum;
SumAccum<DOUBLE> @@double_accum;
SumAccum<STRING> @@string_accum;
@@int_accum = 1;
@@int_accum += 1;
@@float_accum = @@int_accum;
@@float_accum = @@float_accum / 3;
@@double_accum = @@float_accum * 8;
@@double_accum += -1;
@@string_accum = "Hello ";
@@string_accum += "World";
PRINT @@int_accum;
PRINT @@float_accum;
PRINT @@double_accum;
PRINT @@string_accum;
GSQL > RUN QUERY sum_accum_ex()
"error": false,
"message": "",
"version": {
"schema": 0,
"edition": "enterprise",
"api": "v2"
"results": [
{"@@int_accum": 2},
{"@@float_accum": 0.66667},
{"@@double_accum": 4.33333},
{"@@string_accum": "Hello World"}
MinAccum / MaxAccum
The MinAccum
and MaxAccum
types calculate and store the cumulative minimum or the cumulative maximum of a series of values.
The output of a MinAccum
or a MaxAccum
is a single value of the type that was passed in.
and MaxAccum
variables operate on values of type INT, UINT, FLOAT, DOUBLE, STRING, TUPLE
, and VERTEX
(with optional specific vertex type) only.
For MinAccum
, += arg
checks if the current value held is less than arg
and stores the smaller of the two.
behaves the same, with the exception that it checks for and stores the greater instead of the lesser of the two.
CREATE QUERY min_max_accum_ex() FOR GRAPH Minimal_Net {
MinAccum<INT> @@min_accum;
MaxAccum<FLOAT> @@max_accum;
@@min_accum += 40;
@@min_accum += 20;
@@min_accum += -10;
@@max_accum += -1.1;
@@max_accum += 2.5;
@@max_accum += 2.8;
PRINT @@min_accum;
PRINT @@max_accum;
GSQL > RUN QUERY min_max_accum_Ex()
"error": false,
"message": "",
"version": {
"schema": 0,
"edition": "enterprise",
"api": "v2"
"results": [
{"@@min_accum": -10},
{"@@max_accum": 2.8}
String minimum and maximum values are based on their UTF-8 codes, which is a multilingual superset of the ASCII codes.
Within ASCII, a
is less than z
, uppercase is less than lowercase, and digits are less than alphabetic characters.
and MaxAccum
operating on VERTEX
types have a special comparison.
They do not compare vertex ids, but TigerGraph internal ids, which might not be in the same order as the external ids.
Comparing internal ids is much faster, so MinAccum/MaxAccum<VERTEX>
provides an efficient way to compare and select vertices.
This is helpful for some graph algorithms that require the vertices to be numbered and sortable.
For example, the following query returns one post from each person. The returned vertex is not necessarily the vertex with the alphabetically largest id.
This query returns one random post vertex from each person
CREATE QUERY min_max_accum_vertex() FOR GRAPH Social_Net api("v2") {
MaxAccum<VERTEX> @max_vertex;
all_user = {Person.*};
all_user = SELECT src
FROM all_user:src -(Posted>)- Post:tgt
ACCUM src.@max_vertex += tgt
PRINT all_user[all_user.@max_vertex]; // api v2
GSQL > RUN QUERY min_max_accum_vertex()
"error": false,
"message": "",
"version": {
"edition": "developer",
"schema": 0,
"api": "v2"
"results": [{"allUser": [
"v_id": "person1",
"attributes": {"allUser.@maxVertex": "0"},
"v_type": "person"
"v_id": "person2",
"attributes": {"allUser.@maxVertex": "1"},
"v_type": "person"
"v_id": "person3",
"attributes": {"allUser.@maxVertex": "2"},
"v_type": "person"
"v_id": "person4",
"attributes": {"allUser.@maxVertex": "3"},
"v_type": "person"
"v_id": "person5",
"attributes": {"allUser.@maxVertex": "11"},
"v_type": "person"
"v_id": "person6",
"attributes": {"allUser.@maxVertex": "10"},
"v_type": "person"
"v_id": "person7",
"attributes": {"allUser.@maxVertex": "9"},
"v_type": "person"
"v_id": "person8",
"attributes": {"allUser.@maxVertex": "7"},
"v_type": "person"
Tuple data types are treated as hierarchical structures, where the first field used for ordering is the leftmost one.
When a tuple is used as an element of a MinAccum
or MaxAccum
, tuple fields can be directly accessed from the accumulator.
For example, if we have the following tuple type and MaxAccum
TYPEDEF TUPLE <FLOAT weight> Edge_Weight
MinAccum<EDGE_WEIGHT> @@acc_test;
Then the weight
field of the tuple can be accessed directly from the MinAccum
through the dot operator(.
@@acc_test.weight // Will return the weight field value for the EDGE_WEIGHT
// type tuple stored in the MaxAccum
The AvgAccum type calculates and stores the cumulative mean of a series of numeric values. Internally, its state information includes the sum value of all inputs and a count of how many input values it has accumulated. The output is the mean value; the sum and the count values are not accessible to the user.
The data type of an AvgAccum variable is not declared; all AvgAccum accumulators accept inputs of type INT
, and DOUBLE
The output is always DOUBLE
The += arg
operation updates the AvgAccum variable’s state to be the mean of all the previous arguments along with the current argument.
The = arg
operation clears the previously accumulated state and sets the new state to be arg
with a count of one.
CREATE QUERY avg_accum_ex() FOR GRAPH Minimal_Net {
AvgAccum @@average_accum;
@@average_accum += 10;
@@average_accum += 5.5; // avg = (10+5.5) / 2.0
@@average_accum += -1; // avg = (10+5.5-1) / 3.0
PRINT @@average_accum; // 4.8333...
@@average_accum = 99; // reset
@@average_accum += 101; // avg = (99 + 101) / 2
PRINT @@average_accum; // 100
GSQL > RUN QUERY avg_accum_ex()
"error": false,
"message": "",
"version": {
"schema": 0,
"edition": "enterprise",
"api": "v2"
"results": [
{"@@average_accum": 4.83333},
{"@@average_accum": 100}
DeviationAccum / DeviationPAccum
The DeviationAccum and DeviationPAccum type calculate and store the cumulative standard deviation of a series of numeric values.
DeviationAccum should be used when taking a sample of the population for an unbiased estimate. (Uses N - 1
as the denominator for the standard deviation function.)
DeviationPAccum should be used when the standard variation of the entire population is being calculated
Like AvgAccum, data type of a DeviationAccum variable is not declared; all DeviationAccum accumulators accept inputs of type INT
, and DOUBLE
The output is always DOUBLE
The += arg
operation updates the DeviationAccum variable’s state to be the stdev
of all the previous arguments along with the current argument.
The = arg
operation clears the previously accumulated state and sets the new state to accumulate a single value.
CREATE QUERY deviation_accum_ex() FOR GRAPH Minimal_Net {
// DeviationAccum
DeviationAccum @@deviation_accum;
@@deviation_accum += 1;
@@deviation_accum += 2;
@@deviation_accum += 3;
PRINT @@deviation_accum; // stdev([1, 2, 3])
@@deviation_accum = 4;
PRINT @@deviation_accum; // stdev([4])
// DeviationPAccum
DeviationPAccum @@deviation_p_accum;
@@deviation_p_accum += 1;
@@deviation_p_accum += 2;
@@deviation_p_accum += 3;
PRINT @@deviation_p_accum; // stdevp([1, 2, 3])
@@deviation_p_accum = 4;
PRINT @@deviation_p_accum; // stdevp([4])
GSQL > RUN QUERY deviation_accum_ex()
"version": {
"edition": "enterprise",
"api": "v2",
"schema": 0
"error": false,
"message": "",
"results": [
"@@deviation_accum": 1
"@@deviation_accum": 0
"@@deviation_p_accum": 0.816496580927726
"@@deviation_p_accum": 0
AndAccum / OrAccum
The AndAccum and OrAccum types calculate and store the cumulative result of a series of boolean operations.
The output of an AndAccum or an OrAccum is a single boolean value (TRUE
). AndAccum and OrAccum variables operate on boolean values only.
The data type does not need to be declared.
For AndAccum, += arg
updates the state to be the logical AND
between the current boolean state and arg
OrAccum behaves the same, with the exception that it stores the result of a logical OR
CREATE QUERY and_or_accum_ex() FOR GRAPH Minimal_Net {
AndAccum @@and_accum_var; // (default value = TRUE)
OrAccum @@or_accum_var; // (default value = FALSE)
@@and_accum_var += TRUE; // T and T = T
@@and_accum_var += FALSE; // T and F = F
@@and_accum_var += TRUE; // F and T = F
PRINT @@and_accum_var;
@@or_accum_var += FALSE; // F or F == F
@@or_accum_var += TRUE; // F or T == T
@@or_accum_var += FALSE; // T or F == T
PRINT @@or_accum_var;
GSQL > RUN QUERY and_or_accum_ex()
"error": false,
"message": "",
"version": {
"schema": 0,
"edition": "enterprise",
"api": "v2"
"results": [
{"@@and_accum_var": false},
{"@@or_accum_var": true}
BitwiseAndAccum / BitwiseOrAccum
The BitwiseAndAccum and BitwiseOrAccum types calculate and store the cumulative result of a series of bitwise boolean operations and store the resulting bit sequences.
The default length for both BitwiseAndAccum and BitwiseOrAccum is 64 bit.
You can specify the length of both types by appending the desired length in angle brackets<>
Fundamental to understanding and using bitwise operations is the knowledge that integers are stored in base-2 representation as a 64-bit sequence of 1s and 0s.
"Bitwise" means that each bit is treated as a separate boolean value, with 1 representing true and 0 representing false.
Hence, an integer is equivalent to a sequence of boolean values.
Computing the Bitwise AND
of two numbers A and B means computing the bit sequence C where the \(j_{th}\) bit of C, denoted \(C_j\), is equal to \(A_j\) AND
A bitwise accumulator has different declaration syntax depending on its length:
When a bitwise accumulator length is less than or equal to 64 bit, it’s assigned using one integer. The integer is converted to a 64-bit sequence of 1s and 0s. Overflow on the left is ignored.
When a bitwise accumulator length is longer than 64 bit, it’s assigned using an array of two integers. Each integer is converted to a 64-bit sequence of 1s and 0s. The integer in the second position will take up the first 64 bits from the right of the sequence, and the integer on the left will take up the remaining bits. Any overflowing bits will be ignored.
For example, if you are declaring an 80-bit BitwiseAndAccum:
@@bit80<80> = [123, 456]
456 represents the 64-bit sequence 0000….000111001000
(zeros omitted), and 123 represents the 64-bit sequence 0000000000…00001111011
(zeros omitted).
When the two integers are joined together, the 64-bit sequence on the right (456) takes up the 64 bits from the right. The 64-bit sequence on the left (123) takes up the remaining 16 bits and the overflow on the left is ignored.
The resulting BitwiseAndAccum prints as below:
0000000001111011 (16bits in total) 0000000...000111001000 (64bits in total)
Accumulation behavior
For BitwiseAndAccum, += arg
updates the accumulator’s state to be the Bitwise AND
of the current state and arg
BitwiseOrAccum behaves the same, with the exception that it computes a Bitwise OR
Bitwise Operations and Negative Integers Most computer systems represent negative integers using "2’s complement" format, where the uppermost bit has special significance. Operations that affect the uppermost bit are crossing the boundary between positive and negative numbers, and vice versa. |
This is a list of methods of BitwiseAndAccum and BitwiseOrAccum.
If a method returns an BitwiseAndAccum
or BitwiseOrAccum
, it returns the same type as the instance that calls the method.
Function | Return type | Accessor/Mutator | Description |
None. |
Mutator |
Sets all bits to 0. |
Accessor |
Returns the number of 1s. |
Accessor |
Returns the 1 or 0 at the provided index.
None. |
Mutator |
Sets all bits to 1. |
None. |
Mutator |
Sets the bit at the provided index to the desire value.
None. |
Mutator |
Flips the bit at the specified index. If the bit is 0, changes it to 1 and vice versa. |
None. |
Mutator |
Flips the bits in the specified range. |
None. |
Mutator |
Compares two bitwise accumulators of the same length.
Returns a Bitwise accumulator whose every bit is the exclusive |
None. |
Mutator |
Compares two bitwise accumulators of the same length.
Returns a bitwise accumulator whose every bit is the |
None. |
Mutator |
Compares two bitwise accumulators of the same length.
Returns a Bitwise accumulator whose every bit is the |
CREATE QUERY bitwise_accum_ex() FOR GRAPH Minimal_Net {
BitwiseAndAccum @@bw_and_accum_var; // default value = 64-bits of 1 = -1 (INT)
BitwiseOrAccum @@bw_or_accum_var; // default value = 64-bits of 0 = 0 (INT))
// 11110000 = 240
// 00001111 = 15
// 10101010 = 170
// 01010101 = 85
// BitwiseAndAccum
@@bw_and_accum_var += 170; // 11111111 & 10101010 -> 10101010
@@bw_and_accum_var += 85; // 10101010 & 01010101 -> 00000000
PRINT @@bw_and_accum_var; // 0
@@bw_and_accum_var = 15; // reset to 00001111
@@bw_and_accum_var += 85; // 00001111 & 01010101 -> 00000101
PRINT @@bw_and_accum_var; // 5
// BitwiseOrAccum
@@bw_or_accum_var += 170; // 00000000 | 10101010 -> 10101010
@@bw_or_accum_var += 85; // 10101010 | 01010101 -> 11111111 = 255
PRINT @@bw_or_accum_var; // 255
@@bw_or_accum_var = 15; // reset to 00001111
@@bw_or_accum_var += 85; // 00001111 | 01010101 -> 01011111 = 95
PRINT @@bw_or_accum_var; // 95
GSQL > RUN QUERY bitwise_accum_ex()
"error": false,
"message": "",
"version": {
"schema": 0,
"edition": "enterprise",
"api": "v2"
"results": [
{"@@bw_and_accum_var": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"},
{"@@bw_and_accum_var": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000101"},
{"@@bw_or_accum_var": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111111"},
{"@@bw_or_accum_var": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001011111"}
The ListAccum type maintains a sequential collection of elements. The output of a ListAccum is a list of values in the order the elements were added. The element type can be any base type or tuple. Additionally, a ListAccum can contain a nested collection of type ListAccum. Nesting of ListAccums is limited to a depth of three.
The += arg
operation appends arg
to the end of the list.
In this case, arg
may be either a single element or another ListAccum.
ListAccum supports two additional operations:
@list1 + @list2
creates a new ListAccum, which contains the elements of@list1
followed by the elements of@list2
. The two ListAccums must have identical data types. -
@list1 * @list2
data only) generates a new list of strings consisting of all permutations of an element of the first list followed by an element of the second list.
ListAccum also supports the following class functions.
Functions that modify the ListAccum (mutator functions) can be used only under the following conditions:
Function (T is the element type) | Return type | Accessor / Mutator | Description |
Accessor |
Returns the number of elements in the list. |
Accessor |
Returns true if the list does contain |
T |
Accessor |
Returns the value at the given index position in the list. The index begins at 0. If the index is out of bound (including any negative value), the default value of the element type is returned. |
Mutator |
Clears the list so it becomes empty with size 0. |
Mutator |
Assigns value to the list element at position index. |
Mutator |
Removes value at the specified index. If the index is invalid, the function will do nothing. |
Mutator |
Removes the first matching value. If there is no matching value, the function will do nothing. |
Mutator |
Removes all matching values. If there is no matching value, the function will do nothing. |
CREATE QUERY list_accum_ex() FOR GRAPH Minimal_Net {
ListAccum<INT> @@int_list_accum;
ListAccum<STRING> @@string_list_accum;
ListAccum<STRING> @@string_multiply_list_accum;
ListAccum<STRING> @@string_addition_accum;
ListAccum<STRING> @@letter_list_accum;
ListAccum<ListAccum<STRING>> @@nested_list_accum;
@@int_list_accum = [1,3,5];
@@int_list_accum += [7,9];
@@int_list_accum += 11;
@@int_list_accum += 13;
@@int_list_accum += 15;
PRINT @@int_list_accum;
PRINT @@int_list_accum.get(0), @@int_list_accum.get(1);
PRINT @@int_list_accum.get(8); // Out of bound: default value of int: 0
// Other built-in functions
PRINT @@int_list_accum.size();
PRINT @@int_list_accum.contains(2);
PRINT @@int_list_accum.contains(3);
@@string_list_accum += "Hello";
@@string_list_accum += "World";
PRINT @@string_list_accum; // ["Hello","World"]
@@letter_list_accum += "a";
@@letter_list_accum += "b";
// ListA + ListB produces a new list equivalent to ListB appended to ListA.
// Ex: [a,b,c] + [d,e,f] => [a,b,c,d,e,f]
@@string_addition_accum = @@string_list_accum + @@letter_list_accum;
PRINT @@string_addition_accum;
// Multiplication produces a list of all list-to-list element combinations (STRING TYPE ONLY)
// Ex: [a,b] * [c,d] = [ac, ad, bc, bd]
@@string_multiply_list_accum = @@string_list_accum * @@letter_list_accum;
PRINT @@string_multiply_list_accum;
// Two dimensional list (3 dimensions is possible as well)
@@nested_list_accum += [["foo", "bar"], ["Big", "Bang", "Theory"], ["String", "Theory"]];
PRINT @@nested_list_accum;
PRINT @@nested_list_accum.get(0);
PRINT @@nested_list_accum.get(0).get(1);
GSQL > RUN QUERY list_accum_ex()
"error": false,
"message": "",
"version": {
"schema": 0,
"edition": "enterprise",
"api": "v2"
"results": [
{"@@int_list_accum": [
"@@int_list_accum.get(1)": 3,
"@@int_list_accum.get(0)": 1
{"@@int_list_accum.get(8)": 0},
{"@@int_list_accum.size()": 8},
{"@@int_list_accum.contains(2)": false},
{"@@int_list_accum.contains(3)": true},
{"@@string_list_accum": [
{"@@string_addition_accum": [
{"@@string_multiply_list_accum": [
{"@@nested_list_accum": [
{"@@nested_list_accum.get(0)": [
{"@@nested_list_accum.get(0).get(1)": "bar"}
CREATE QUERY list_accum_update_ex() FOR GRAPH Work_Net {
// Global List_accum
ListAccum<INT> @@int_list_accum;
ListAccum<STRING> @@string_list_accum;
ListAccum<BOOL> @@pass_fail;
@@int_list_accum += [0,2,4,6,8];
@@string_list_accum += ["apple","banana","carrot","daikon"];
// Global update at Query-Body Level
@@pass_fail += @@int_list_accum.update(1,-99);
@@pass_fail += @@int_list_accum.update(@@int_list_accum.size()-1,40); // last element
@@pass_fail += @@string_list_accum.update(0,"zero"); // first element
@@pass_fail += @@string_list_accum.update(4,"four"); // FAIL: out-of-range
PRINT @@int_list_accum, @@string_list_accum, @@pass_fail;
GSQL > RUN QUERY list_accum_update_ex()
"error": false,
"message": "",
"version": {
"edition": "developer",
"schema": 0,
"api": "v2"
"results": [{
"@@passFail": [ true, true, true, false ],
"@@intListAccum": [ 0, -99, 4, 6, 40 ],
"@@stringListAccum": [ "zero", "banana", "carrot", "daikon" ]
CREATE QUERY list_accum_update_ex2(SET<VERTEX<Person>> seed) FOR GRAPH Work_Net api("v2") {
// Each person has an LIST<INT> of skills and a LIST<STRING> of interests.
// This function copies their lists into ListAccums, and then udpates the last
// int with -99 and updates the last string with "fizz".
ListAccum<INT> @int_list;
ListAccum<STRING> @string_list;
ListAccum<STRING> @@int_fails, @@str_fails;
S0 (Person) = seed;
s.@int_list = s.skill_list,
s.@string_list = s.interest_list
INT len = s.@int_list.size(),
IF NOT s.@int_list.update(len-1,-99) THEN
@@int_fails += END,
INT len2 = s.@string_list.size(),
IF NOT s.@string_list.update(len2-1,"fizz") THEN
@@str_fails +=
PRINT S1[S1.skill_list, S1.interest_list, S1.@int_list, S1.@string_list]; // api v2
PRINT @@int_fails, @@str_fails;
// RUN QUERY list_accum_update_ex2(["person1","person5"])
GSQL > RUN QUERY list_accum_update_ex2(["person1","person5"])
"error": false,
"message": "",
"version": {
"schema": 0,
"edition": "enterprise",
"api": "v2"
"results": [
{"S1": [
"v_id": "person1",
"attributes": {
"S1.@int_list": [
"S1.skill_list": [
"S1.interest_list": [
"S1.@string_list": [
"v_type": "Person"
"v_id": "person5",
"attributes": {
"S1.@int_list": [
"S1.skill_list": [
"S1.interest_list": [
"S1.@string_list": [
"v_type": "Person"
"@@int_fails": [],
"@@str_fails": []
The SetAccum type maintains a collection of unique elements.The output of a SetAccum is a list of elements in arbitrary order. A SetAccum instance can contain values of one type. The element type can be any base type or tuple.
For SetAccum, the += arg
operation adds a non-duplicate element or set of elements to the set.
If an element is already represented in the set, then the SetAccum state does not change.
SetAccum also can be used with the three canonical set operators: UNION
, and MINUS
(see the Set/Bag Expression and Operators section for more details).
SetAccum also supports the following class functions.
Functions that modify the SetAccum (mutator functions) can be used only under the following conditions:
Function (T is the element type) | Return type | Accessor / Mutator | Description |
Accessor |
Returns the number of elements in the set. |
Accessor |
Returns true if the set contains |
Mutator |
Removes |
Mutator |
Clears the set so it becomes empty with size 0. |
# SetAccum Example
CREATE QUERY setAccumEx() FOR GRAPH Minimal_Net {
SetAccum<INT> @@intSetAccum;
SetAccum<STRING> @@stringSetAccum;
@@intSetAccum += 5;
@@intSetAccum += 4;
@@intSetAccum += 11;
@@intSetAccum += 1;
@@intSetAccum += 11; # Sets do not store duplicates
@@intSetAccum += (1,2,3,4); # Can create simple sets this way
PRINT @@intSetAccum;
PRINT @@intSetAccum AS RemovedVal2; # Demostrate remove.
PRINT @@intSetAccum.contains(3);
@@stringSetAccum += "Hello";
@@stringSetAccum += "Hello";
@@stringSetAccum += "There";
@@stringSetAccum += "World";
PRINT @@stringSetAccum;
PRINT @@stringSetAccum.contains("Hello");
PRINT @@stringSetAccum.size();
GSQL > RUN QUERY set_accum_ex()
"error": false,
"message": "",
"version": {
"edition": "developer",
"schema": 0,
"api": "v2"
"results": [ {"@@intSetAccum": [ 3, 2, 1, 11, 4 ]},
{"@@intSetAccum.contains(3)": true},
{"@@stringSetAccum": [ "World", "There", "Hello" ]},
{"@@stringSetAccum.contains(Hello)": true},
{"@@stringSetAccum.size()": 3}
The BagAccum type maintains a collection of elements with duplicated elements allowed. The output of a BagAccum is a list of elements in arbitrary order. A BagAccum instance can contain values of one type. The element type can be any base type or tuple.
For BagAccum, the += arg
operation adds an element or bag of elements to the bag.
BagAccum also supports the +
@bag1 + @bag2
creates a new BagAccum, which contains the elements of@bag1
and the elements of@bag2
. The two BagAccums must have identical data types.
BagAccum also supports the following class functions.
Functions which modify the BagAccum (mutator functions) can be used only under the following conditions:
Function (T is the element type) | Return type | Accessor / Mutator | Description |
Accessor |
Returns the number of elements in the bag. |
Accessor |
Returns true/false if the bag does/doesn’t contain |
Mutator |
Clears the bag so it becomes empty with size 0. |
Mutator |
Removes one instance of value from the bag. |
Mutator |
Removes all instances of the given value from the bag. |
CREATE QUERY bag_accum_ex() FOR GRAPH Minimal_Net {
//Unordered collection
BagAccum<INT> @@int_bag_accum;
BagAccum<STRING> @@string_bag_accum;
@@int_bag_accum += 5;
@@int_bag_accum += 4;
@@int_bag_accum += 11;
@@int_bag_accum += 1;
@@int_bag_accum += 11; //Bag accums can store duplicates
@@int_bag_accum += (1,2,3,4);
PRINT @@int_bag_accum;
PRINT @@int_bag_accum.size();
PRINT @@int_bag_accum.contains(4);
@@string_bag_accum += "Hello";
@@string_bag_accum += "Hello";
@@string_bag_accum += "There";
@@string_bag_accum += "World";
PRINT @@string_bag_accum.contains("Hello");
@@string_bag_accum.remove("Hello"); //Remove one matching element
@@string_bag_accum.removeAll("There"); //Remove all matching elements
PRINT @@string_bag_accum;
GSQL > RUN QUERY bag_accum_ex()
"error": false,
"message": "",
"version": {
"schema": 0,
"edition": "enterprise",
"api": "v2"
"results": [
{"@@int_bag_accum": [
{"@@int_bag_accum.size()": 8},
{"@@int_bag_accum.contains(4)": true},
{"@@string_bag_accum.contains(\"Hello\")": true},
{"@@string_bag_accum": [
The MapAccum type maintains a collection of (key → value) pairs. The output of a MapAccum is a set of key and value pairs in which the keys are unique.
The key type of a MapAccum can be all base types or tuples.
If the key type is VERTEX
, then only the vertex’s ID is stored and displayed.
The value type of a MapAccum can be all base types, tuples, or any type of accumulator, except for HeapAccum.
For MapAccum, the += (key→val)
operation adds a key-value element to the collection if the key is not yet used in the MapAccum.
If the MapAccum already contains the key, then the corresponding value is accumulated to the current value, where the accumulation operation depends on the data type of the value:
Strings are concatenated.
Lists are appended.
Numerical values are added.
types are overwritten by the latest value.
MapAccum also supports the +
operator, which combines two MapAccums:
@map1 + @map2
creates a new MapAccum, which contains the key-value pairs of@map2
added to the key-value pairs of@map1
. -
The values at the same key accumulates from the left side to the right side in the same way as in the accumulation operation.
You can also use the
operator to combine two MapAccums. The behavior is identical.
The two MapAccums must have identical data types.
The =
operator in MapAccum is used to overwrite the entire MapAccum, not just the value of a specific key.
When you use the =
operator, the entire MapAccum is cleared, and all existing key-value pairs are erased. The MapAccum is then restarted with the key-value pair provided on the right side of the =
operator completely replaces the current MapAccum, erasing all the existing key-value pairs. -
This operator is useful when you want to reset the MapAccum to only contain the new key-value pair and remove any prior data.
For example, consider the following case where the =
operator is used:
@@int_map_accum = ("baz" -> 1);
In this case, the entire MapAccum is cleared, and only the "baz" → 1
key-value pair remains. Any previous data, such as other keys like "foo"
or "bar"
, will be erased.
MapAccum also supports the following class functions.
Functions that modify the MapAccum (mutator functions) can be used only under the following conditions:
Function (KEY is the key type) |
Return type | Accessor / Mutator | Description |
Accessor |
Returns the number of elements in the map. |
Accessor |
Returns true if the map does contain |
value type |
Accessor |
Returns the value which the map associates with |
Mutator |
Clears the map so it becomes empty with size 0. |
Mutator |
Removes the key-value pair with the specified key. If there is no matching key, then the function will do nothing. |
CREATE QUERY map_accum_ex() FOR GRAPH Minimal_Net {
// Map(Key, Value)
// Keys can be INT or STRING only
MapAccum<STRING, INT> @@int_map_accum;
MapAccum<INT, STRING> @@string_map_accum;
MapAccum<INT, MapAccum<STRING, STRING>> @@nested_map_accum;
@@int_map_accum += ("foo" -> 1);
@@int_map_accum += ("foo" -> 3);
@@int_map_accum += ("bar" -> 2);
@@int_map_accum += ("baz" -> 2);
@@int_map_accum += ("baz" -> 1); //add 1 to existing value
PRINT @@int_map_accum.containsKey("baz");
PRINT @@int_map_accum.get("bar");
PRINT @@int_map_accum.get("root");
@@string_map_accum += (1 -> "apple");
@@string_map_accum += (2 -> "pear");
@@string_map_accum += (3 -> "banana");
@@string_map_accum += (4 -> "a");
@@string_map_accum += (4 -> "b"); //append "b" to existing value
@@string_map_accum += (4 -> "c"); //append "c" to existing value
PRINT @@int_map_accum;
PRINT @@string_map_accum;
//Checking and getting keys
if @@string_map_accum.containsKey(1) THEN
PRINT @@string_map_accum.get(1);
//Map nesting
@@nested_map_accum += ( 1 -> ("foo" -> "bar") );
@@nested_map_accum += ( 1 -> ("flip" -> "top") );
@@nested_map_accum += ( 2 -> ("fizz" -> "pop") );
@@nested_map_accum += ( 1 -> ("foo" -> "s") );
PRINT @@nested_map_accum;
IF @@nested_map_accum.containsKey(1) THEN
IF @@nested_map_accum.get(1).containsKey("foo") THEN
PRINT @@nested_map_accum.get(1).get("foo");
GSQL > RUN QUERY map_accum_ex()
"error": false,
"message": "",
"version": {
"schema": 0,
"edition": "enterprise",
"api": "v2"
"results": [
{"@@int_map_accum.containsKey(\"baz\")": true},
{"@@int_map_accum.get(\"bar\")": 2},
{"@@int_map_accum.get(\"root\")": 0},
{"@@int_map_accum": {
"bar": 2,
"foo": 3,
"baz": 3
{"@@string_map_accum": {
"1": "apple",
"2": "pear",
"3": "banana",
"4": "abc"
{"@@string_map_accum.get(1)": "apple"},
{"@@nested_map_accum": {
"1": {
"foo": "bars",
"flip": "top"
"2": {"fizz": "pop"}
{"@@nested_map_accum.get(1).get(\"foo\")": "bars"}
The ArrayAccum type maintains an array of accumulators. An array is a fixed-length sequence of elements, with direct access to elements by position. The ArrayAccum has these particular characteristics:
The elements are accumulators, not primitive or base data types. All accumulators, except HeapAccum, MapAccum, and GroupByAccum, can be used.
An ArrayAccum instance can be multidimensional. There is no limit to the number of dimensions.
The size can be set at run-time (dynamically).
There are operators which update the entire array efficiently.
When an ArrayAccum is declared, the instance name should be followed by a pair of brackets for each dimension. The brackets may either contain an integer constant to set the size of the array, or they may be empty. In that case, the size must be set with the reallocate function before the ArrayAccum can be used.
ArrayAccum<SetAccum<STRING>> @@names[10];
ArrayAccum<SetAccum<INT>> @@ids[][]; // 2-dimensional, size to be determined
Because each element of an ArrayAccum itself is an accumulator, the operators =, +=, and + can be used in two contexts: accumulator-level and element-level.
Element-level operations
If @A is an ArrayAccum of length 6, then @A[0] and @A[5] refer to its first and last elements, respectively. Referring to an ArrayAccum element is like referring to an accumulator of that type. For example, given the following definitions:
ArrayAccum<SumAccum<INT>> @@Sums[3];
ArrayAccum<ListAccum<STRING>> @@Lists[2];
then @@Sums[0], @@Sums[1], and @@Sums[2] each refer to an individual SumAccum<INT>, and @@Lists[0] and @@Lists[1] each refer to a ListAccum<STRING>, supporting all the operations for those accumulator and data types.
@@Sums[1] = 1;
@@Sums[1] += 2; // value is now 3
@@Lists[0] = "cat";
@@Lists[0] += "egory"; // value is now "category"
Accumulator-level operations
The operators =, +=, and + have special meanings when applied to an ArrayAccum as a whole. There operations efficiently update an entire ArrayAccum. All ArrayAccums must have the same element type.
Operator | Description | Example |
= |
Sets the ArrayAccum on the left equal to the ArrayAccum on the right. The two ArrayAccums must have the same element type, but the left-side ArrayAccum will change its size and dimensions to match the one on the right side. |
@A = @B; |
+ |
Performs element-by-element addition of two ArrayAccums of the same type and size. The result is a new ArrayAccum of the same size. |
@C = @A + @B; // @A and @B must be the same size |
+= |
Performs element-by-element accumulation (+=) from the right-side ArrayAccum to the left-side ArrayAccum. They must be the same type and size. |
@A += @B; // @A and @B must be the same size |
ArrayAccum also supports the following class functions.
Functions that modify the ArrayAccum (mutator functions) can be used only under the following conditions:
Function | Return type | Accessor / Mutator | Description |
Accessor |
Returns the total number of elements in the (multidimensional) array. For example, the size of an ArrayAccum declared as @A[3][4] is 12. |
Mutator |
Discards the previous ArrayAccum instance and creates a new ArrayAccum, with the size(s) given. An N-dimensional ArrayAccum requires N integer parameters. The reallocate function cannot be used to change the number of dimensions. |
CREATE QUERY array_accum_elem() FOR GRAPH Minimal_Net {
ArrayAccum<SumAccum<DOUBLE>> @@aa_sumD[2][2]; // 2D Sum Double
ArrayAccum<SumAccum<STRING>> @@aa_sumS[2][2]; // 2D Sum String
ArrayAccum<MaxAccum<INT>> @@aa_max[2];
ArrayAccum<MinAccum<UINT>> @@aa_min[2];
ArrayAccum<AvgAccum> @@aa_avg[2];
ArrayAccum<AndAccum<BOOL>> @@aa_and[2];
ArrayAccum<OrAccum<BOOL>> @@aa_or[2];
ArrayAccum<BitwiseAndAccum> @@aa_bit_and[2];
ArrayAccum<BitwiseOrAccum> @@aa_bit_or[2];
ArrayAccum<ListAccum<INT>> @@aa_list[2][2]; // 2D List
ArrayAccum<SetAccum<FLOAT>> @@aa_setF[2];
ArrayAccum<BagAccum<DATETIME>> @@aa_bagT[2];
// for test data
ListAccum<STRING> @@words;
BOOL toggle = false;
@@words += "1st"; @@words += "2nd"; @@words += "3rd"; @@words += "4th";
// Int: a[0] += 1, 2; a[1] += 3, 4
// Bool: alternate true/false
// Float: a[0] += 1.111, 2.222; a[1] += 3.333, 4.444
// 2D Double: a[0][0] += 1.111, 2.222; a[0][1] += 5.555, 6.666;
// a[1][0] += 3.333, 4.444; a[0][1] += 7.777, 8.888;
toggle = NOT toggle;
@@aa_max[i] += i*2 + n;
@@aa_min[i] += i*2 + n;
@@aa_avg[i] += i*2 + n;
@@aa_and[i] += toggle;
@@aa_or[i] += toggle;
@@aa_bit_and[i] += i*2 + n;
@@aa_bit_or[i] += i*2 + n;
@@aa_setF[i] += (i*2 + n)/0.9;
@@aa_bagT[i] += epoch_to_datetime(i*2 + n);
@@aa_sumD[i][j] += (j*4 + i*2 + n)/0.9;
@@aa_sumS[i][j] += @@words.get((j*2 + i + n)%4);
@@aa_list[i][j] += j*4 +i*2 + n ;
PRINT @@aa_sumD; PRINT @@aa_sumS;
PRINT @@aa_max; PRINT @@aa_min; PRINT @@aa_avg;
PRINT @@aa_and; PRINT @@aa_or;
PRINT @@aa_bit_and; PRINT @@aa_bit_or;
PRINT @@aa_list; PRINT @@aa_setF; PRINT @@aa_bagT;
GSQL > RUN QUERY array_accum_elem()
"error": false,
"message": "",
"version": {
"schema": 0,
"edition": "enterprise",
"api": "v2"
"results": [
{"@@aa_sumD": [
{"@@aa_sumS": [
{"@@aa_max": [
{"@@aa_min": [
{"@@aa_avg": [
{"@@aa_and": [
{"@@aa_or": [
{"@@aa_bit_and": [
{"@@aa_bit_or": [
{"@@aa_list": [
{"@@aa_setF": [
{"@@aa_bagT": [
CREATE QUERY array_accum_op3(INT lenA) FOR GRAPH Minimal_Net {
ArrayAccum<SumAccum<INT>> @@arrayA[5]; // Original size
ArrayAccum<SumAccum<INT>> @@arrayB[2];
ArrayAccum<SumAccum<INT>> @@arrayC[][]; // No size
@@arrayA.reallocate(lenA); // Set/Change size dynamically
@@arrayC.reallocate(lenA, lenA+1);
// Initialize arrays
@@arrayA[i] += i*i;
@@arrayC[i][j] += j*10 + i;
@@arrayB[i] += 100-i;
msg = "Initial Values";
PRINT msg, @@arrayA, @@arrayB, @@arrayC;
msg = "Test 1: A = C, C = B"; // = operator
@@arrayA = @@arrayC; // change dimensions: 1D <- 2D
@@arrayC = @@arrayB; // change dimensions: 2D <- 1D
PRINT msg, @@arrayA, @@arrayC;
msg = "Test 2: B += C"; // += operator
@@arrayB += @@arrayC; // B and C must have same size & dim
PRINT msg, @@arrayB, @@arrayC;
msg = "Test 3: A = B + C"; // + operator
@@arrayA = @@arrayB + @@arrayC; // B & C must have same size & dim
PRINT msg, @@arrayA; // A changes size & dim
RUN QUERY ArrayAccumOp3(3)
"error": false,
"message": "",
"version": {
"schema": 0,
"edition": "enterprise",
"api": "v2"
"results": [
"msg": "Initial Values",
"@@arrayC": [
"@@arrayB": [
"@@arrayA": [
"msg": "Test 1: A = C, C = B",
"@@arrayC": [
"@@arrayA": [
"msg": "Test 2: B += C",
"@@arrayC": [
"@@arrayB": [
"msg": "Test 3: A = B + C",
"@@arrayA": [
CREATE QUERY array_accum_local() FOR GRAPH Social_Net API("v2") {
// Count each person's edges by type
// friend/liked/posted edges are type 0/1/2, respectively
ArrayAccum<SumAccum<INT>> @edges_by_type[3];
persons = {Person.*};
persons = SELECT s
FROM persons:s -(:e)- :t
WHEN "Friend" THEN s.@edges_by_type[0] += 1
WHEN "Liked" THEN s.@edges_by_type[1] += 1
WHEN "Posted" THEN s.@edges_by_type[2] += 1
//PRINT persons.@edges_by_type; // api v1
PRINT persons[persons.@edges_by_type]; // api v2
GSQL > RUN QUERY array_accum_local()
"error": false,
"message": "",
"version": {
"edition": "developer",
"schema": 0,
"api": "v2"
"results": [{"Persons": [
"v_id": "person1",
"attributes": {"Persons.@edgesByType": [ 2, 1, 1 ]},
"v_type": "person"
"v_id": "person2",
"attributes": {"Persons.@edgesByType": [ 2, 2, 1 ]},
"v_type": "person"
"v_id": "person3",
"attributes": {"Persons.@edgesByType": [ 2, 1, 1 ]},
"v_type": "person"
"v_id": "person4",
"attributes": {"Persons.@edgesByType": [ 3, 1, 1 ]},
"v_type": "person"
"v_id": "person5",
"attributes": {"Persons.@edgesByType": [ 2, 1, 2 ]},
"v_type": "person"
"v_id": "person6",
"attributes": {"Persons.@edgesByType": [ 2, 1, 2 ]},
"v_type": "person"
"v_id": "person7",
"attributes": {"Persons.@edgesByType": [ 2, 1, 2 ]},
"v_type": "person"
"v_id": "person8",
"attributes": {"Persons.@edgesByType": [ 3, 1, 2 ]},
"v_type": "person"
The HeapAccum type maintains a sorted collection of tuples and enforces a maximum number of tuples in the collection.
The output of a HeapAccum is a sorted collection of tuple elements.
The =` operation adds a tuple to the collection in sorted order. If the HeapAccum is already at maximum capacity when the `=
operator is applied, then the tuple which is last in the sorted order is dropped from the HeapAccum.
Sorting of tuples is performed on one or more defined tuple fields ordered either ascending or descending.
Sorting precedence is performed based on defined tuple fields from left to right.
You must have defined a custom tuple type to declare a HeapAccum
, and one of the fields in the tuple must be a data type that can be sorted.
The declaration syntax is outlined in the figure below:
HeapAccum<tupleType>( [capacity,] field_a [ASC|DESC],... , field_z [ASC|DESC]);
In the declaration of the HeapAccum
, the keyword HeapAccum
is followed by the tuple type in angle brackets < >
This is followed by a parenthesized list of two or more parameters.
If the first parameter is a positive integer, it sets the maximum number of tuples that the HeapAccum may store.
The subsequent parameters are a subset of the tuple’s field, which are used as sort keys. The sort key hierarchy is from left to right, with the leftmost key being the primary sort key. The keywords
indicate Ascending (lowest value first) or Descending (highest value first) sort order. Ascending order is the default.
HeapAccum supports comparison with the ==
and the !=
Comparison (and assignment with the +=
operator) is only possible if two HeapAccums hold the same types of tuple and have the same sort order and direction.
HeapAccum capacity does not affect comparison. Only the actual contents of are evaluated during comparison.
HeapAccum also supports the following class functions.
Functions that modify the
Function | Return type | Accessor / Mutator | Description |
Accessor |
Returns the number of elements in the heap. |
Accessor |
Returns the top tuple. If this heap is empty, returns a tuple with each element equal to the default value. |
Mutator |
Returns the top tuple and removes it from the heap. If this heap is empty, returns a tuple with each element equal to the default value. |
Mutator |
Changes the maximum capacity of the heap. |
Mutator |
Clears the heap so it becomes empty with size 0. |
CREATE QUERY heap_accum_ex() FOR GRAPH Minimal_Net {
TYPEDEF tuple<STRING first_name, STRING last_name, INT score> Test_Results;
//Heap with max size of 4 sorted descending by score then ascending last name
HeapAccum<Test_Results>(4, score DESC, last_name ASC) @@top_test_results;
@@top_test_results += Test_Results("Bruce", "Wayne", 80);
@@top_test_results += Test_Results("Peter", "Parker", 80);
@@top_test_results += Test_Results("Tony", "Stark", 100);
@@top_test_results += Test_Results("Bruce", "Banner", 95);
@@top_test_results += Test_Results("Jean", "Summers", 95);
@@top_test_results += Test_Results("Clark", "Kent", 80);
//Show element with the highest sorted position
PRINT @@top_test_results;
//Increase the size of the heap to add more elements
//Find the size of the current heap
PRINT @@top_test_results.size();
@@top_test_results += Test_Results("Bruce", "Wayne", 80);
@@top_test_results += Test_Results("Peter", "Parker", 80);
PRINT @@top_test_results;
//Resizing smaller WILL REMOVE excess elements from the HeapAccum
PRINT @@top_test_results;
//Increasing capacity will not restore dropped elements
PRINT @@top_test_results;
//Removes all elements from the Heap_accum
PRINT @@top_test_results.size();
GSQL > RUN QUERY heap_accum_ex()
"error": false,
"message": "",
"version": {
"schema": 0,
"edition": "enterprise",
"api": "v2"
"results": [
{"": {
"score": 0,
"last_name": "",
"first_name": ""
{"": {
"score": 100,
"last_name": "Stark",
"first_name": "Tony"
"": "Tony",
"": "Stark",
"": 100
{"@@top_test_results": [
"score": 100,
"last_name": "Stark",
"first_name": "Tony"
"score": 95,
"last_name": "Banner",
"first_name": "Bruce"
"score": 95,
"last_name": "Summers",
"first_name": "Jean"
"score": 80,
"last_name": "Kent",
"first_name": "Clark"
{"@@top_test_results.size()": 4},
{"@@top_test_results": [
"score": 100,
"last_name": "Stark",
"first_name": "Tony"
"score": 95,
"last_name": "Banner",
"first_name": "Bruce"
"score": 95,
"last_name": "Summers",
"first_name": "Jean"
"score": 80,
"last_name": "Kent",
"first_name": "Clark"
"score": 80,
"last_name": "Parker",
"first_name": "Peter"
{"@@top_test_results": [
"score": 100,
"last_name": "Stark",
"first_name": "Tony"
"score": 95,
"last_name": "Banner",
"first_name": "Bruce"
"score": 95,
"last_name": "Summers",
"first_name": "Jean"
{"@@top_test_results": [
"score": 100,
"last_name": "Stark",
"first_name": "Tony"
"score": 95,
"last_name": "Banner",
"first_name": "Bruce"
"score": 95,
"last_name": "Summers",
"first_name": "Jean"
{"@@top_test_results.size()": 0}
The GroupByAccum is a compound accumulator, an accumulator of accumulators. At the top level, it is a MapAccum where both the key and the value can have multiple fields, each of them an accumulator type.
GroupByAccum<type [, type]* , accumType [, accumType]* >
In the EBNF above, the type terms form the key set, and the accumType terms form the map’s value. Since they are accumulators, they perform a grouping. Like a MapAccum, if we try to store a (key→value) whose key has already been used, then the new value will accumulate to the data which is already stored. In this case, each field of the multiple-field value has its own accumulation function. One way to think about GroupByAccum is that each unique key is a group ID.
In GroupByAccum, the key types can be base type or tuple. The accumulators are used for aggregating group values. Each accumulator type can be any type including HeapAccum. Each base type and each accumulator type must be followed an alias. Below is an example declaration.
TYPEDEF TUPLE <id INT, name STRING, age INT> My_Tuple;
TYPEDEF HeapAccum <My_Tuple> (2, name desc, age desc, id asc) My_Heap;
GroupByAccum<INT a, STRING b,
MaxAccum<INT> maxa,
ListAccum<ListAccum<INT>> lists,
My_Heap h> @@group;
To add new data to this GroupByAccum, the data should be formatted as (key1, key2 → value1, value2) .
GroupByAccum also supports the following class functions.
Functions that modify the GroupByAccum (mutator functions) can be used only under the following conditions:
Function (KEY1..KEYn are the key types) |
Return type | Accessor / Mutator | Description |
Accessor |
Returns the number of elements in the heap. |
element type(s) of the accumulator(s) |
Accessor |
Returns the values from each accumulator in the group associating with the given key(s). If the key(s) doesn’t exist, return the default value(s) of the accumulator type(s). |
Accessor |
Returns true/false if the accumulator contains the key(s) |
Mutator |
Clears the heap so it becomes empty with size 0. |
Mutator |
Removes the group associating with the key(s) |
CREATE QUERY group_by_accum_ex () FOR GRAPH Social_Net {
// declare HeapAccum type and tuple used in the HeapAccum
TYPEDEF TUPLE <id INT, name STRING, age INT> My_Tuple;
TYPEDEF HeapAccum <My_Tuple> (2, name DESC, age DESC, id asc) My_Heap;
// declaration, first two primitive type are group by keys; the rest accumulator type are aggregates
GroupByAccum<INT a, STRING b, MaxAccum<INT> maxa, ListAccum<ListAccum<INT>> lists> @@group;
GroupByAccum<STRING gender, MapAccum<VERTEX<Person>, DATETIME> m> @@group2;
GroupByAccum<INT age, My_Heap h> @@group4;
// nested GroupByAccum
GroupByAccum<INT a, MaxAccum<INT> maxa, GroupByAccum<INT a, MaxAccum<INT> maxa> heap> @@group3;
Start = { Person.* };
// usage of global GroupByAccum
@@group += (1, "a" -> 1, [1]);
@@group += (1, "a" -> 2, [2]);
@@group += (2, "b" -> 1, [4]);
@@group3 += (2 -> 1, (2 -> 0) );
@@group3 += (2 -> 1, (2 -> 5) );
@@group3 += (2 -> 5, (3 -> 3) );
PRINT @@group, @@group.get(1, "a"), @@group.get(1, "a").lists, @@group.containsKey(1, "c"), @@group3;
// HeapAccum inside GroupByAccum
@@group4 += (29->My_Tuple(1,"aaa", 18));
@@group4 += (29->My_Tuple(2,"bbb", 19));
@@group4 += (29->My_Tuple(3,"ccc", 20));
PRINT @@group4;
// two kinds of foreach
FOREACH g IN @@group DO
PRINT g.a, g.b, g.maxa, g.lists;
FOREACH (g1,g2,g3,g4) IN @@group DO
PRINT g1,g2,g3,g4;
FROM Start:v - (Liked:e) - Post:t
ACCUM @@group2 += (v.gender -> (v -> e.action_time));
PRINT @@group2, @@group2.get("Male").m, @@group2.get("Female").m;
GSQL > RUN QUERY group_by_accum_ex()
"error": false,
"message": "",
"version": {
"edition": "developer",
"schema": 0,
"api": "v2"
"results": [
"@@group.get(1,a).lists": [
"@@group3": [{
"a": 2,
"heap": [
"a": 3,
"maxa": 3
"a": 2,
"maxa": 5
"maxa": 5
"@@group.containsKey(1,c)": false,
"@@group.get(1,a)": {
"lists": [
"maxa": 2
"@@group": [
"a": 2,
"b": "b",
"lists": [[4]],
"maxa": 1
"a": 1,
"b": "a",
"lists": [
"maxa": 2
"g.b": "b",
"g.maxa": 1,
"g.lists": [[4]],
"g.a": 2
"g.b": "a",
"g.maxa": 2,
"g.lists": [
"g.a": 1
"g1": 2,
"g2": "b",
"g3": 1,
"g4": [[4]]
"g1": 1,
"g2": "a",
"g3": 2,
"g4": [
"@@group2.get(Male).m": {
"person3": 1263618953,
"person1": 1263209520,
"person8": 1263180365,
"person7": 1263295325,
"person6": 1263468185
"@@group2": [
"gender": "Male",
"m": {
"person3": 1263618953,
"person1": 1263209520,
"person8": 1263180365,
"person7": 1263295325,
"person6": 1263468185
"gender": "Female",
"m": {
"person4": 1263352565,
"person2": 2526519281,
"person5": 1263330725
"@@group2.get(Female).m": {
"person4": 1263352565,
"person2": 2526519281,
"person5": 1263330725
Nested Accumulators
Certain collection accumulators may be nested. That is, an accumulator may contain a collection of elements where the elements themselves are accumulators. For example:
ListAccum<ListAccum<INT>> @@matrix; // a 2-dimensional jagged array of integers. Each inner list has its own unique size.
Only ListAccum, ArrayAccum, MapAccum, and GroupByAccum can contain other accumulators. However, not all combinations of collection accumulators are allowed. The following constraints apply:
ListAccum: ListAccum is the only accumulator type that can be nested within ListAccum:
ListAccum<ListAccum<INT>> ListAccum<ListAccum<ListAccum<INT>>> ListAccum<SetAccum<INT>> // illegal
MapAccum: All accumulator types, except for HeapAccum, can be nested within MapAccum as the value type. For example,
MapAccum<STRING, ListAccum<INT>> MapAccum<INT, MapAccum<INT, STRING>> MapAccum<VERTEX, SumAccum<INT>> MapAccum<STRING, SetAccum<VERTEX>> MapAccum<STRING, GroupByAccum<VERTEX a, MaxAccum<INT> maxs>> MapAccum<SetAccum<INT>, INT> # illegal
GroupByAccum: All accumulator types can be nested within GroupByAccum as the accumulator type. For example:
GroupByAccum<INT a, STRING b, MaxAccum<INT> maxs, ListAccum<ListAccum<INT>> lists>
ArrayAccum: Unlike the other accumulators in this list, where nesting is optional, nesting is mandatory for ArrayAccum. See the ArrayAccum section.
It is legal to define nested ListAccums to form a multidimensional array. Note the declaration statements and the nested [ bracket ] notation in the example below:
CREATE QUERY nested_accum_ex() FOR GRAPH Minimal_Net {
ListAccum<ListAccum<INT>> @@_2d_list;
ListAccum<ListAccum<ListAccum<INT>>> @@_3d_list;
ListAccum<INT> @@_1d_list;
SumAccum <INT> @@sum = 4;
@@_1d_list += 1;
@@_1d_list += 2;
// add 1D-list to 2D-list as element
@@_2d_list += @@_1d_list;
// add 1D-enum-list to 2D-list as element
@@_2d_list += [@@sum, 5, 6];
// combine 2D-enum-list and 2d-list
@@_2d_list += [[7, 8, 9], [10, 11], [12]];
// add an empty 1D-list
@@_2d_list += @@_1d_list;
// combine two 2D-list
@@_2d_list += @@_2d_list;
PRINT @@_2d_list;
// test 3D-list
@@_3d_list += @@_2d_list;
@@_3d_list += [[7, 8, 9], [10, 11], [12]];
PRINT @@_3d_list;
GSQL > RUN QUERY nested_accum_ex()
"error": false,
"message": "",
"version": {
"schema": 0,
"edition": "enterprise",
"api": "v2"
"results": [
{"@@_2d_list": [
{"@@_3d_list": [