Send REST Requests to a Solution

Besides GraphStudio, another way to interact with your TigerGraph database is through our REST API. Use RESTful endpoints to send requests to TigerGraph solutions and develop applications.

On TigerGraph Cloud, RESTPP Authentication is enabled by default, and only the requests made with a valid authorization token in the request header will be accepted.

If your cluster is on GCP and it has a replication factor higher than 1, you won't be able to use ports 9000 and 14240 to access API endpoints. Instead, you can access the endpoints using HTTPS requests on port 443:

  • To access the endpoints that normally listen on port 9000, append/restpp after the domain and before the endpoint. Since an HTTPS request already implies port 443, specifying the port is optional. However, you need to ensure that you are making HTTPS requests instead of HTTP requests.

    • Example: To access the /echo endpoint: curl ""

  • To access the endpoints that normally listen on port 14240, use the original endpoint address, but on port 443. Similar to port 9000 requests, specifying the port is optional.

    • Example: To access the health check endpoint on 14240:curl ""

  • Access to GraphStudio is not affected: opening the domain of the solution in a browser will directly take you to GraphStudio

Generate an authorization token

Here is a step-by-step guide to generating and using an authorization token for RESTPP:

1. Navigate to User Management

From GraphStudio, go to Admin Portal, and click User Management.

2. Generate a secret

In the My Profile tab, find the graph you want to generate the secret for, enter an alias for your secret and click the "+" symbol at the right side of the row.

Remember to copy and save the secret to a safe location. This is the only time the secret will be exposed in full in Admin Portal, and you will not be able to see it again.

3. Generate a token

Use the /requesttoken endpoint to generate an authorization token for your solution. You can use either a GET or POST request. In this tutorial, we will be using a GET request.

1. Find the domain name of your solution

If you did not enter a subdomain when setting up your solution, a random subdomain will be automatically generated for you. Go to My Solutions, and click the solution you are trying to access, you will find the solution's domain name in the expanded view. Use this domain name as the server address when making REST requests.

2. Send the request to /requesttoken

The endpoint takes two parameters, secret and lifetime, and the latter is optional. Put the parameters in the query string and send the request using your favorite REST client. The below example uses curl to request the authentication token:

curl -X GET ''

The response will look like this, where the string in the response with the key token is your authorization token:

  "code": "REST-0000",
  "expiration": 1617232169,
  "error": false,
  "message": "Generate new token successfully.",
  "token": "eq87e740arn73pp8chbf6j930pa7qorm"

4. Send a request using your token

Now that you have an authorization token, you can proceed to make requests to your solution. To use the authorization token, include it in the request header as a bearer token.

Refer to our RESTful API User Guide to learn about all the endpoints available. In this tutorial, we will make a request to the List vertices endpoint on a solution with the COVID-19 starter kit and list 5 patients and the patients' age.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer fc6p0i2ijjt031n0sja6m9ci70p232h7" \


  "version": {
    "edition": "enterprise",
    "api": "v2",
    "schema": 0
  "error": false,
  "message": "",
  "results": [
      "v_id": "6100000100",
      "v_type": "Patient",
      "attributes": {
        "birth_year": 1959
      "v_id": "6023000024",
      "v_type": "Patient",
      "attributes": {
        "birth_year": 0
      "v_id": "6022000024",
      "v_type": "Patient",
      "attributes": {
        "birth_year": 1978
      "v_id": "6020000020",
      "v_type": "Patient",
      "attributes": {
        "birth_year": 0
      "v_id": "6015000008",
      "v_type": "Patient",
      "attributes": {
        "birth_year": 0

Last updated