GET STARTED with TigerGraph Developer Edition on Microsoft Azure

Deploying Your Instance

1. Go to and search "TigerGraph Developer Edition" 2. Select your software plan and Click on "Create". Selecting the latest plan (TigerGraph Developer 2.6.1) is recommended.

3. Fill out the "Resource group", "Virtural machine name", "Username" and "SSH Public key" fields. The default values should work for the rest of the fields. Then click on "Next:Disks >"

4. Keep the default values for all other settings and click "Next" until you see the "Review + Create" page below. Check all your settings and click "Create" when your satisfied. Notes: The instance type needs to have at least 4 CPU and 16GB RAM for TigerGraph to work properly. The "NIC network security group" must allow inbound TCP traffic to port 14240 if you want to access GraphStudio (TigerGraph's visualization platform). For more about GraphStudio, see the GraphStudio UI Guide. The "NIC network security group" must allow inbound TCP traffic to port 9000 if you want to send RESTful requests to TigerGraph from outside the instance (this includes configuring the GSQL client on a remote machine). For more about the REST API, see the TigerGraph RESTful API User Guide.

For more about the TigerGraph Platform, see the TigerGraph Platform Overview.

5. That's it! The TigerGraph instance has been successfully deployed on Microsoft Azure.

Starting TigerGraph on Your Instance

  1. Log on to the instance and switch to the tigergraph user using the following command:

sudo su - tigergraph

2. Run the following command to start TigerGraph

gadmin start

3. TigerGraph has been successfully started on your cloud instance.

Next Steps

‌If you're new to TigerGraph, see the section "You're Ready to go" for suggested next steps.

Last updated