Admin Portal Guide

TigerGraph Admin Portal UI Guide


The TigerGraph Admin Portal is a browser-based dashboard which provides users an overview of a running TigerGraph system, from an application and infrastructure point of view. It also allows the users to configure the TigerGraph system through a user-friendly interface. This guide serves as an introduction and quick-start manual for Admin Portal.

As of June 2018, the Admin Portal is certified on following browsers:

Not all features are guaranteed to work on other browsers.

Please make sure to enable JavaScript and cookies in your browser settings.

Log On

The Admin Portal and GraphStudio share the same port (14240). If you are logged in one of the servers for your TigerGraph system, then you can use localhost for your <tigergraph_server_ip_address>. The Admin Portal is on the admin page:


If user authentication has been enabled, then users need to log in to access the Admin Portal.

If you are already at GraphStudio, simply click the Admin button at the right end of the top menu bar.

Page Layout

The Admin Portal has two pages: Dashboard and Configuration . Both pages have the same Header, Footer, and Navigation Menu.

The layout of the Admin Portal is responsive to screen size. The layout will automatically adjust for devices with small screens like phones and tablets.

The full screen version of the Admin Portal is shown below, with the Dashboard page selected.

The mobile version is shown below:

Page Header

To view the full text, you can click on a notification to open a popup window containing the full message and its severity:

There are three severity levels: info, warning and error.

You can switch between a dark theme and light theme. The light theme is shown below:

To sign out of the Admin Portal, click on the Sign out button in the Account menu.

Clicking on the Help button will take you to the documentation page containing this guide.

  • Green indicates all services are online.

  • Gray means one or more service statuses is unknown.

  • Red means on of the component services is offline.

Clicking on the button will show you the list of statuses for the services in our system:

Dashboard Page

The Dashboard page has three main parts: Overall Statistics, the Time Range Picker, and several Charts.

Overall Cluster Statistics

Just below the page header, there are four cards showing statistics of our system, including number of nodes, number of graphs, number of vertices and number of edges. These statistics are refreshed live. (The default refresh interval is 1 minute).

Time Range Picker

  1. "Now" means that the charts will be continually updated with the most recent data.

  2. "Custom" lets you select a fixed date. The time range is historical, so the charts will be static.

The sliding bar on the right lets you fine tune the range. Click and drag an endpoint to adjust the start or end time.

Changing any of these selections will trigger a request for statistics data and the chart will be re-rendered accordingly.


Each charts displays some statistic or state information on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis.

There are two chart sections. The first section is GSQL Query Performance. This lists all of the queries accessible to the current user. If you click on a query name, the display will expand to show detailed charts about that query. You can expand only one query panel at a time. The second section is Cluster Monitoring. This lists all of the machines within the TigerGraph cluster. Similar to the first section, you can only expand one panel at a time.

A Query Monitoring Panel includes three charts:

  • QPS (number of Queries completed per second)

  • Timeout (fraction of the query calls which timed out and therefore did not finish)

  • Latency (minimum, maximum, and average time to complete a query)

A Machine Monitoring Panel includes 4 charts. The first three charts break down the information among three processing-focused components (GPE, GSE, RESTPP). The last chart breaks down information among three components which may have large storage needs (GStore, Log files, and Apache Kafka).

  • Service status: ON or OFF status for the given component

  • CPU Usage: percentage of available CPU time used by the given component

  • Memory Usage: GB used by the given component

  • Disk Usage: GB used by the given component

Configuration Page

Currently (as of v2.2), the Configuration page supports one configuration operation: updating the GraphStudio license key.

Additional configuration operations, which are currently only available from a Linux console, will be added in future releases.

Update GraphStudio License

An example of the GraphStudio License Update panel is shown below. The panel displays the full information about your license, including the expiration date.

To apply a new license key, paste the key into the text box below "Enter GraphStudio license" and click Update.

Last updated