Load Data

Load Data

After mapping data sources to the graph schema, you can start loading data. Click "Load Data" on the left side menu bar to go to the Load Data panel.

The "Load Data" interface is vertically separated into two parts:

  • Data Mapping Overview and Manipulation

    • Provides a general view of the graph and the data mapping.

    • Shows the loading progress of each data source.

    • Enables the user to manage data with buttons in the control panel.

  • Graph Statistics

    • Displays the current total numbers of vertices and edges, and the specific number of each type.

    • Shows the total number of vertices and edges loaded over time in 5-second intervals.

To display real-time statistics, this page checks the number of vertices and edges every 5 seconds, which adds overhead. To maximize loading performance, move to a different page after starting loading, and only come back here occasionally to check on progress.

Start Loading

GraphStudio provides two types of loading:

  • Partial Loading: load a sample of the data sources which the user selects.

  • Complete Loading: load all of the data sources completely.

Load Some Data Sources

Load All Data Sources

Stop Loading

Clear Graph Data

After the clear operation, the graph vertex and edge number statistics will both drop to 0.

After data has been loaded, you can go to the Explore Graph or Write Queries pages.

Last updated