Explore Graph

Explore Graph

After data has been loaded, the Explore Graph page allows you to search for vertices in a graph, to discover nearby vertices which satisfy conditions of your choice, and to find the paths between vertices.

Below is an example of an exploration result:

The Explore Graph page is vertically divided into three parts, from left to right:

The Inner Navigation Bar

The menu options, from top to bottom, are the following:

menu option


Search vertices: select specific vertices with conditions.

Expand from vertices: find neighborhood of the specified vertices.

Find paths: find paths between the selected source vertex and target vertex.

Find connections: find connecting paths between a set of vertices.

Run queries: run installed GSQL queries.

The Parameter Panel

Set filters, conditions and other parameters for the selected option from the Inner Navigation Bar.

The Graph Exploration Panel

The exploration result is displayed in this panel.

Adjust the results display, take a snapshot of the display, and modify selected data objects in the result.

The menu buttons, from left to right, are the following:

  • Change layout : Arrange the vertices according to one of the built-in layout patterns, such as sphere, tree, circle, or force.

  • Locate vertices in result : Search the exploration result by vertex id or attribute value.

  • Only show selections : First select one or more objects. Clicking the button will hide all the objects which are not selected.

  • Hide : First select one or more objects. Clicking the button will hide the selected vertices and edges (or all if none is selected).

  • Undo : Undo the last change to the visualization result set (that is, changes to which objects are included in the result set).

  • Redo : Redo the most recent undone change to the visualization result set (that is, changes to which objects are included in the result set).

Database changes (adding or deleting vertices/edges, editing attributes) cannot be undone with the Undo feature. Also, Undo/Redo do not include layout and display change (e.g., positioning of objects and display of attributes).

  • Add new vertex : Add a new vertex into the visualization result as well as to the graph database .

  • Add new edge : Add a new edge into the visualization result as well as to the graph database .

  • Edit attributes : Change the attributes of the selected object in the visualization result as well as the graph database .

  • Delete selected elements : Delete the selected elements from the visualization result as well as the graph database .

  • Save screenshot : Save the current visualization result as a png file.

  • Change settings : Select which attribute values to display with each vertex or edge type. Enable/disable popup display of all attributes when the cursor hovers over a vertex or edge.

The Parameter Panel can be hidden by clicking its corresponding button in the Explore Graph Menu.

Search Vertices In Graph

Search Vertices by ID

Choose vertex type from the Vertex type dropdown list, and enter the vertex id in the Vertex id input box, then click Search button. If there is one vertex that matches the vertex type and id, it will be shown in Graph Exploration panel.

Let GraphStudio pick vertices

The Configuration section in the Parameter Panel specifies which types of vertices you want to include in your selection. By default, all vertex types are selected. Uncheck some boxes if you want to narrow your selection.

Search vertices with attribute filters

Click ADD, then the filter condition is shown below Company vertex type:

If your graph contains a large number of vertices, searching vertices with attribute filters can be extremely slow. Attributes indexing support in TigerGraph is in our roadmap.

NOTE: If you keep exploring the graph in the Explore Graph page, the previous exploration result won't be automatically erased. Instead, your new exploration result will be merged together with the previous visualized graph. The objects from the most recent exploration action will be selected (highlighted with a thick gray border) to distinguish them from the previous visualized graph.

Expand From Vertices

Shortcut: double-clicking on a vertex will expand to up to 200 neighbors of that vertex.

Choose Vertices To Expand

There may already be some selected vertices from the previous action. A vertex that is selected has a thick gray border around it. The standard click and shift-click behaviors for selecting one or multiple objects applies:

  • Click on a vertex to select it. Any previously selected objects are unselected.

  • Shift-click on an unselected object to add it to the selection set.

  • Shift-click on a selected object to remove it from the selection set.

To unselect all vertices, click on a blank area of the panel.

Set Expansion Conditions

GraphStudio lets you expand multiple steps from the target vertices, as long as the resulting number of vertices and edges does not exceed the limit for visualization (default limit is 5000 vertices and 10000 edges). The conditions for each expansion step are specified independently.

In the Parameter Panel, set the conditions for each expansion step:

  • Maximum number of edges include for each vertex. The effect is that vertices which have more neighbors than this limit will not have all their neighbors included in the expansion.

  • Edge types and the attribute filter for each edge type to include.

  • Target vertex types and the attribute filter for each vertex type to include.

Initially, the expansion conditions panel for only one expansion step is shown. Click "Add Expansion Step" to add more expansion steps.

Similarly, you can remove expansion steps by clicking the "Remove Expansion Step" button.


Find Paths Between Two Vertices

Choose Starting Vertex and Destination Vertex

The top section of the Parameter Panel asks for your desired starting vertex and destination vertex.

There are two ways to provide this information. Each of the two vertices can be selected by either method.

If you know the ID and vertex type for a vertex, you can choose vertex type from dropdown list and type vertex id in the input box. The vertex does not need to be currently displayed in the Graph Exploration Panel.

If the vertex you want is already displayed in the Graph Exploration Panel, a more convenient way is the following:

  1. Click on the input box.

  2. Click on the desired vertex in the Graph Exploration Panel. Then, GraphStudio will automatically fill in the values for you.

You can click the swap icon (two green arrows) at right to switch the starting vertex and the destination vertex.

Set Conditions For Paths

GraphStudio provide three types of path searches:

  1. One shortest path: search for and highlight a shortest path between the two vertices.

  2. All shortest paths: search for and highlight all shortest paths between the two vertices.

  3. All paths: search for and highlight all valid paths between the two vertices.

Since path-finding queries may have high computational cost if the graph is very large, a parameter is available to limit the path length.

In addition to the search type and the maximal length, you can also specify the valid vertex types and edge types and their attribute conditions which may be included in the paths.

Find Paths

Find Connections Between Multiple Vertices

  1. For each pair of vertices in the vertex set, if there is a shortest path no longer than the maximum path length parameter, include that path in the result.

  2. The final result is the union of all of these shortest paths (one path per vertex pair).

This feature is equivalent to running the "Show One Shortest Path" option for each pair of vertices in the selected set.

Choose Vertices for Finding Connections

Click on a vertex to select it. Use shift-click to select more than one object. Each time you select another vertex, it will be added to the list in the Parameter Panel.

Set Conditions For Connection Finding

Since this query may have high computational cost if the graph is very large, a parameter is available to limit the path length.

You can also specify the valid vertex types and edge types which may be included in the connections.

Find Connections

Run GSQL Queries

If you have written and installed some GSQL queries (see more at Write Queries), you can run the queries mixed with the graph exploration functionalities mentioned above.

Allowing running GSQL queries mixed with other graph exploration functionalities enables better data analysis possibilities since you can refer to your previous exploration result, and keep gaining insights from your data.

Graph Exploration Panel Options

After you have a subgraph displayed in the Graph Exploration Panel, you can use the buttons in the Explorer View Menu to customize the display. You can even make modifications to the graph database itself.

Change Layout

Locate Vertex In Result

The vertices with the matching ID or attributes will be selected:

Show Selected Vertices And Edges

Hide Vertices And Edges

Undo And Redo

Database changes (adding or deleting vertices/edges, editing attributes) cannot be undone with the Undo feature. Also, Undo/Redo do not include layout and display changes (e.g., positioning of objects and display of attributes).

Add New Vertex

If you provide a vertex ID that is already used, GraphStudio will ask you whether you want to overwrite the existing vertex. If you say no, then it will not add or update anything.

Add New Edge

If you select an edge type that already exists between the two vertices, GraphStudio will ask if you want to overwrite the existing edge. If you say no, nothing will be added or updated. The current TigerGraph system does not support having multiple edges of the same type between two specific vertices.

Edit Attributes

When you finish editing, click the Update button to apply the change.

Delete Vertices And Edges

"Delete" permanently removes data from the graph database. Deleted vertices and edges cannot be restored with Undo. To restore them, you must manually add them back.

If you delete a vertex, all of its outgoing and incoming edges will also be deleted.

Save Screenshot

Change Settings

In the example below, the ID and gender for Person vertices are shown. The ID and the registered_capital attribute for Company vertices are shown.

You can also config the label size of vertices and edges.

Other than the above, you can also config vertex and edge size and color to augment the visualization in settings. It is so important that we will use next independent section to introduce.

Augment Graph Visualization Result

Set different colors according to attributes and accumulator values

Click ADD, and the condition and updated color is shown in the Color settings section:

Similarly, you can add another color config that @PageRankScore between [0.5, 1) will be green. The final Color settings section will look like:

Click the APPLY button, then the different vertices will be rendered as different colors based on their page rank score ranges:

Similarly, you can change color of edges.

Set different vertex radius and edge thickness according to attributes and accumulator values

By default all vertices are of radius 40, and all edges are of thickness 2. You can config vertex radius and edge thickness according to their attributes or numeric accumulator values of GSQL query result. A classical example is page rank. You can set vertices radius proportional to their page rank values, then the importance of each vertex is visually apparent according to its size.

After click ADD button, the radius expression will be shown in Radius section:

After click APPLY button, the vertices will be rendered in different size according to the expression value:

Similarly, you can config different thickness for the edges.

If you want to cancel the vertex radius or edge thickness configuration, click Edit button in Radius or Thickness section, in the pop up window choose None in the top level expression dropdown list:

Click ADD, then click APPLY. The size will be changed back to uniform.

The size and color can be configured at same time. Here is the effect of setting both color and size for page rank vertices:

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